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Thursday, 12 April 2012

Scoundrels Attack Gunter Grass Truths

Scoundrels Attack Gunter Grass Truths: According to Hebrew University's Professor of Military History Martin Van Creveld, "We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you (it) will happen before Israel goes under."

So what exctly is wrong with the position Gunter Grass has taken? Israel has been classified  as a terror inflicting state by the UN no less. Most people still recognise right from wrong except western politicians, the mainstream media and christian fundies.

Iran has signed up to the NPT, Israel has not.

Israel has by some estimates 200+ nuclear weapons, Iran has none.

Iran has not invaded another country in centuries, Israel continually attacks its neighbours.

"Our World is run by insane people for insane objectives" - John Lennon

I agree with John Lennon and add 'Evil' to 'Insane', this cannot be allowed to continue and Gunter Grass has shown the way. We all need to learn to speak up and stand our ground (emphasis on OUR ground, we are the majority).

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