Posted By: Gnostic at The Rumour Mill News Reading Room
Date: Sunday, 15 March 2009, 1:36 p.m.
In a restaurant the other day an individual came in and began speaking of the conspiracies that are taking place right now in our country, especially with the economy. He just kept talking to anyone and everyone that would lend him their ear. It was all too easy to recognize that the people he was sharing this information with brushed it all of as the rants of a lunatic fringe nut case. Finally he left the restaurant and the people that he was speaking to began to have a great laugh on his behalf.
They must have sat there for 20 minutes talking to one another about how this guy should be placed in a white coat and hauled off to the zoo. Everyone in there that was listening to this individual blew off everything he said. And what was so sad, is not one word this guy revealed was wrong in any way, all one had to do was check into the facts for themselves and verify what it was that he told them.
I was not part of the conversation, in fact I was not even there during this discussion, my wife filled me in and told me all about it. I just happened to come in to hear the ridicule of this man, and thereby learned exactly what he had told them. I did not say one word. I did not even lift my eyes towards their direction. I just sat their with my wife as she looked at me wondering why I don't set these people straight. I said, why would they acknowledge anything I had to say when they already threw it all off as nonsense.
I told her that each of those people have choices, they can either decide to listen and then check into the facts for themselves, or they can blow it all off as if it is all nonsense. I told my wife that no one is holding a gun to their heads. No one is forcing them to believe one way or the other. Each of them are given a choice to either believe and then do some further investigation, or ridicule it as the ranting raves of a lunatic, nothing I say is going to change that.
No matter what they choose, no one can be blamed but themselves. There was no military regime there holding guns to their head dictating what to believe in. No one was actively forcing anyone to accept this or that. Each person had a choice, and in this case everyone of them volunteered to believe within themselves that this information was not credible all because it was labeled a conspiracy. What I find so ironic is that crimes can be committed in plain sight, all one has to do is convince enough people that the revelations of said crimes are from a conspiracy nut and voila the crime is committed in plain site.
I spent years studying history, it is an amazing subject to view the different cultures and ideologies past and present. Yet in all of my studies one thing I learned that became paramount in every age, culture, nation and ideology is that everything that occurred was all orchestrated as part of a conspiracy. And yet for some unknown hidden reason, today's people believe that conspiracies do not exist, that everyone is good natured and no one would try to do these horrible things to anyone. Now either billions of people took stupid medicine, or they are all lying to themselves out of self preservation. Well I would like to say the former but it reality it is the latter.
From the day we were born there has been an orchestrated event to dictate beliefs upon people so that everyone begins to think the same way. Yet every step along the way, we are given choices. We can either accept or deny whatever it is at any given time. For a long time I also fell into the trap that most people are innocent, they are simply ignorant of what is taking place so how can they be responsible for the action of what others may do. There is partial truth in both scenarios.
On the surface it appears that people are just innocent victims in a charade they have nothing to do with, but when you dig deep you begin to realize everything that is or has become accepted or rejected was all due to individual choices. Our entire life is based on choices. Sure there is a concerted effort to program people to believe a certain way. This is obviously not fair. And there are those that force and persuade in dangerous manners to coerce others, but the fact remains the people still have the right to make a choice, at least right now. I say this because this is what the plan have been for a very long time within the conspiracy, and that is to finally remove the right for people to make choices.
Our economy has been wrecked because people sitting in positions of supposed power have gotten away with one criminal activity after another. And yet if the people did not comply to this madness, the crime could have not taken place at least on the massive scale that it has. Every step along the way, these activities were supported by choices of the people. And some of those choices were simply to turn the ear away and look elsewhere why it was occurring. Now some may squawk at this and say they had nothing to do with any of it. BALONEY!
The degree that you are now burdened by the faltering economy is the same exact degree that you personally allowed for, this truly is a law. Example, were you living way above your means. Were you using credit cards to purchase your daily needs. Did you have to purchase a brand new vehicle and mortgage a new house. Remember no one placed a gun to your head and told you to do these things. You went ahead and made these purchases knowing full well it was going to place you into deep debt.
These are all choices... I am not here to reprimand you I am only here to make you realize that the exact amount of pain you will receive from this criminal activity is the exact amount of choices you made to become part of it. When people purchase things they cannot afford, all because someone is handing you the means to access it, albeit, it is total debt, then you made that choice. Sure you can complain that everyone said it was a good investment to buy a home, or people will respect me more if I am driving a new car. What ever the reason was for you to decide to make the choice, YOU MADE THE CHOICE!
I did not fully understand this until I began to realize that equity and judgment could never be fair unless people really were responsible for their own lives. I have stated for years that we live in what is called a polarity, this polarity is represented by a myriad of different things, but especially good and evil. Every day we open our eyes and begin our journey for that day, we have choices. It is your choice to get up or stay in bed. It is your choice to go to work in a meaningless job or search for something better. It is your choice whether you will allow your boss to micro manage your life, or tell them you are going to take your own bull by the horns. It is your choice whether you are going to live where you are at or move to some place different. It is your choice how you treat people during the day.
It is your choice whether you put a smile on your face or begin to unleash your fury upon everyone else. It is your choice whether you go shopping or save for a rainy day. Everything we do is all about choices, and 99% of the time no one is holding a gun to your head to force you to choose one way or the other. If that soda drink is bad for you it is your choice whether you will drink it or not. If cigarettes are going to harm your lungs because of the known kerosene within them that causes them to burn, it is your choice to decide that is what you will accept.
However, if the debt collector wants their money, or cancer develops because of smoking, or other odd health or financial problems occur because of the choices of your diet, and way of life, who can be blamed? Are you going to blame the cigarette company, or the Coca Cola company? It reminds me of Kramer on Seinfeld when he sued the coffee company for spilling coffee on himself and claimed it was too hot. Well who told him to stuff the coffee down his pants to sneak it in the movie theater? Every choice we make even if we are absolutely ignorant of the effects of that choice, was a choice we made and no one is to blame if there are side effects. Every choice comes with a decision, and each choice allows one to investigate the potential effects of that choice before it is made. Therefore ignorance is not really an excuse.
Yea ignorance may not even be an acceptable excuse because remember that nut case conspiracy freak, remember they told you about many of these things that have been plotted against you. But you laughed it off and said that you would rather believe the masses and remain ignorant than to believe a masterful conspiracy against you and your family. So when it comes time to pay the piper, can you really be innocent due to ignorance? Remember it was your choice to easily reject information that might have saved your life.
Whose choice is it when medicines have more warnings of the side effects than they do the actual healing properties? You can't say, my doctor told me that I should take it, it was still your choice. You have the lawful right to investigate any medicine before you take it. You cannot blame your doctor, anymore than you can blame the cigarette company, both are just salesmen doing their job. Most of the time you are being told that these things have ill effects upon the body. So if you choose to dabble in areas that have serious side effects, then you should be willing to accept the result of the action.
The truth is even the dark powers that rule know this truth, if you allow them to give you something that is harmful they are no longer responsible...
I have often asked the question to people that if they were in politics what would they really do? Most respond out of the idea that they would want to help people. That they would never be like other politicians. And yet I maintain that the majority of people given the chance would all fall into step with the agenda, and not bat an eye. How do I know that, because I know human nature, and I see people everyday making choices that are all about serving their own personal interests rather than serving the interests of others.
Just like going to work, you might realize that the way things are being done is incorrect, however your boss dictates to you what they desire. And if you want a paycheck at the end of the week, then you better comply. Now most people would never challenge this, they know that they must follow what their boss wants or else they will be out on the street without a job. So here is an area where a choice is based on what someone else desires even though it goes against your conscience, but hey, it is my paycheck. BUT YO it was still your choice!
Even religion is like this, ministers and Priests get their paycheck based on the fact that they are backing the directives of those higher than they are. If they choose to preach another doctrine, then they will also be out on the street. How many preachers are teaching things that goes against their conscience, but they know to receive that paycheck they gots to do it? Well they don't gots to do anything, it is all a choice based on their belief of self preservation, serving the self no matter the detriment to others!
Remember the Nuremberg trials, where the German Nazi military men just said they were following orders? These people were hanged, and yet I ask, who was responsible. Those that followed orders against their conscience or even if they did it because they agreed, or those that gave the orders. The ones that followed the orders were the still the ones that had to pay the piper, because they still had the option to choose the opposite way, but again for self-preservation...
So the first realization is that people will follow even though they disagree with what is occurring, all because there is a reward in doing so. Even if what they are doing goes against their conscience, they will simply say, I had to because this is what my boss wanted. yet not really, they did not have to, it was because of self-preservation...And this goes for every aspect of life. So how can anyone judge those that offer things that are a detriment to mind, body and soul when the individual never had to accept it?
And just like politics, most people who enter politics even for all the right reasons quickly learn that they must follow protocol if they want to keep their status. If they want the perks, if they want the fame and glory, then they have to follow the program or else they will be quickly eliminated or simply silenced.
Many people speak of the wealthy as being greedy, as hardhearted because they seemingly don't care about anyone else, for if they did they would help others out by sharing their wealth. And yet we all know that is the furthest thing from their mind in most cases, obviously this is true because most of the world's wealth is handled by only 2% of the entire world populace.
In fact they go to the opposite approach and convince themselves that helping people is only hurting them. They come up with all kinds of sweet reasons why they should not have to help. Well I only have so much I can't help everyone. Or I would only be harming them if I helped them, they obviously are broke because they have to learn something. You see everything is a choice and it often revolves around self-preservation.
So they hide their money, spend millions on security all to protect their wealth and fame. And what is so ironic is that the money that was used for security to protect their money, could have fed thousands of starving children, but self-preservation always seems to prevail over the correct choice. It actually becomes a club of the elite, and of course not everyone can be in the club. However if you happen to become part of the club, then you have to play ball like everyone else, or you are soon going to be stripped of your fame and back on poor street. In this case what are you really going to choose, remain wealthy and follow the program or become poor and ridiculed and despised, but remain free within your conscience?
People that are not affluent judge people that are wealthy believing their actions are horrible, and they judge these people saying I would never do this if I had the money. My friends once again I am going to disagree, because the fruit of human nature says differently and the actions of the many reveals the truth. You can say all you want that you would not do this, nevertheless, there is a strong chance that if you are given the opportunity, you would respond like most everyone has. If you are not sure, consider your employment right now, consider how deep in debt you are right now. Who made these choices and for what reasons?
I will go one step further, most people if they were recruited into the secret societies, the Illuminati etc... they would not turn it down due to the overwhelming allotment of wealth, fame and power you would receive. It takes a rare person to stand on principle in the midst of power allotment. And as I know there are many of you screaming at me right now saying this is not true. Once again, I ask a simple question. How deep in debt are you? Are you mortgage out the arse, are your credit cards the only instrument that is saving you between eating and not eating?
Why did you allow this? If you bought into the game of debt to create the illusion you have wealth. If you would do this as a debt, how much more would you do this where it was all free and clear, handed to you on a silver platter?
Once again I want to iterate that I am not judging anyone, I am just saying that the world we live in does not have a single enemy because we are all responsible for the direction this world has taken. It is not Satan, Lucifer, your boss, etc... Each one of us has made decisions that at best were deceptive and at worse were deadly. The Illuminati does not run this world. Neither does the council on foreign relations or the trilateral commission. Now granted all of these organizations exist, yet they could have no more power than a rabbit if the people did not allow themselves to be seduced.
The other day I read where an individual claimed he was part of the Illuminati and they made this amazing statement, they said, we could not do anything that we have accomplished if the people did not make the choice to allow our direction to manifest. He said the people have much more power than they ever realized and as long as we can create the belief that they have no power they will then follow our bidding and do what we desire for them to do. An example, we create wars and the people could simply choose not to follow us into the war, and therefore there would be no war. However we design the event and set up the scenario where it makes it very difficult to choose against us. Yet even so, it is still their choice...
This is not only amazing it should shake people to the bone to realize how much control people really do have yet fail to use the proper choice due to self-preservation. And what is so odd people will sacrifice their lives barely knowing why, because they were afraid what would happen if they did not. Talk about scrambled eggs.
Now for those that would deny all of this, I am going to say that granted there are people, maybe even millions that will not follow after other people, that are not seduced by jargons and hype. There are those that would rather be poor and debt free than projecting wealth while being deep in debt. Yes these people exist and if you are one of them then fine. However, the fact remains the majority is not like this because humans live according to the hive mentality, they are followers, and that is why they can hear someone speaking the truth about conspiracies, and then laugh at the truth and mock the messenger all because they do not have enough courage to stand up and say, well I am going to check into this for myself. It is easier to comply with everyone else even if they are dead wrong rather than to check into things for yourself. And I say once again, then who is it that is guilty, the conspirators, or the followers?
And since most people follow they never take the time to think about what it is that they are getting themselves into. And so they make the choice to be like everyone else because they think it grants less pain. And thus the secret societies uses this to control them like sheep.
This is why humans will riot, humans will enter civil wars, not because this was their personal belief or direction it is because they are being deceived to do so because they relinquished the choices to say no, and instead decide to follow wherever everyone else was going, because it was easier on the surface. Often people because they believe they deserve something that they do not have and instead of acquiring it the correct way they chose to harm others to get what they desire, and again it is a choice.
A man came the other day speaking of how bad the economy is right now and how many people have already lost their jobs. I actually was watching a news channel while at the bank and saw that the unemployment for February went from 850 thousand to over 12.5 million in one month. That is crazy... Well this man was telling us about his brother that has a family with children. He lost his job and also has no money. He lives in a huge house with brand new cars and cannot afford to keep them. This individual told us that his brother said if I do not get a job quickly then I am going to have to start stealing from others.
You see my friends, this is a choice. Here is a family man that would resort to the lowest of low which might even mean murder just so he could feed his family. But the fact is, it is a choice based on the degree of what he allowed himself to get into in the first place. My friends, we are not really like this from the divine world, but something drastically changed in us. This man has all sorts of opportunities in front of him, but he chooses to steal, WHY?
Because his life was built upon a fake economic resource all of which was bartered into debt. So his entire life is based in a lie, of living in the disguise of wealth. Now when it all is taken away from him, his first choice, unless someone gives it back to him, is to steal from others which may entail murder. What happened to this family man that was just trying to survive working in a job? What possibly could have occurred with him to make such a violent change in his thinking? The answer is, his choices led to a false reality revealing what what he thought he owned, none of it was real. But because of these choices which by now are all compounded upon each other, his first thought of action is give me back what I had or I will take it from others. All of a sudden, the first priority is not the brand new car, or the mortgaged home it is food and water and raiment. Ah HA! The funny thing is if this was always his first priority he would have never been in this situation.
This is the exact direction that certain ones that want to control people's lives are banking on, pun intended. They want people to lose control of reality to continue to strive for the illusion. When people are living beyond their ability to afford, then they are rats caught in a trap waiting for the slaughter, all their riches which is actually debt has jailed them. It is inevitable that people that live upon debt, will eventually lose everything and realize they are sitting in a jail cell. This is the law of debt, that is why it is called debt. When you live in debt it means you owe something and you are not free. One day the debt collector is going to come back and get what is coming to them, unless you tell them you are not going to play their game anymore
What has occurred to this man is he was stripped of his utmost spiritual clothing and now all he is concerned about his feeding his children by any means necessary. But he will not even think for one second that there is all kinds of opportunity out there to change his situation. The reason he is not even thinking upon this is because none of it will get him back to what he had. He will have to sacrifice pretty much everything. Instead of living in the new house, he must find modest living quarters. Instead of driving that brand new Ferrari, he needs to realize that transportation in not about appearance, but about need. Therefore he might have to drive that 25 year old vehicle, god forbid. He may even have to get a new job. WOW reality may have to set in for the first time in his life.
People do not have to resort to criminal activity, this is what is being programmed into them because of their choices to follow after the illusion of debt and they allow themselves to go along with it even though they know inside of themselves it is all wrong. There is a world of wonder out there, and people are going to need to react in a responsible manner. And the first change is denounce the way we have been living prior and begin to choose a new way. Seek out others that are having the same problem and work together to find answers. Move if need be to somewhere else much less complicated.
If you are deep in debt to a bank then let them have their collateral back and get yourself free from the shackles of bondage. Remember, houses are mortgaged because they belong to banks not you. Give up the idea that you are the actual owner, because you are not. So therefore let them have their debt bondage instrument back because you are never going to be free from it. Anything that calls for interest is called a time loop, and you will never get out of this lifestyle. So you buy a car for 20 grand, and pay nearly 45-60 grand in 7-10 years. The interest is way beyond the expense of the already super overpriced vehicle. The car depreciates the moment it hits asphalt. And by that time, your car is now worthless and you think, well I can just trade this one in and buy a new one again and get in debt for another 7-10 years, never realizing that when the car is paid off you are now free, instead you would rather have luxury and be a slave to debt instead of living within your means. You cannot continue to live like this without someday paying the piper.
This is why they designed this system like this, if you choose to follow it, then you are a debtor to the system and they own you. Do not allow them to own you anymore, simply because they only own you via the collateral you offer for the debt. That collateral is not even yours, so give it back. I don't care what anyone says, if you are in debt then you are not the owner, so give it back to the owner. And even when you do finally own something all you get for it is a certificate of ownership because even then the State still owns what you thought you owned so you can pay taxes on their property. So never become attached to materialism this is what traps people, it is only a fleeting moment while you strive to grow spiritually.
My friends, America is going to survive what is about to happen, but whether you do or not is the big question and your big choice... it will be the small town America, with the mom and pop shops that come back to life in their own communities. This is how this country is going to be saved. All of the corporate businesses will all collapse because they were built in the same fraudulent debt that you allowed yourselves to be part of.
There can never be DARK WORLD RULE AND CONTROL it will never happen. THIS IS THE LAW OF KARMA IN A WORLD OF POLARITY... As long as this Earth Program continues, there always will be the avenue for choice, that is the law, and the dark side knows this. However if you keep surrendering to the dark side choices eventually you will lose your choice. This does not mean others will have to follow.
More people are going to be living in trailers rather than gigantic houses. People are going to have to learn to come back again to their own community and learn how to work together, planting gardens and bartering with acceptable trade values. As the economy falters more, states will begin to break away from the federal government because this is the natural effect of this type of parasite activity. No one is going to be able to stop this from occurring because it will become a natural remedy of the problem that is threatening the polarity game.
You do not have to turn to violence to feed your family, that choice will only destroy you and your family. If you trust in your angels you will be provided for, if you do not, then you shall surely perish. HOWEVER YOU MUST BEGIN TO MAKE SACRIFICES...
So make the right choices, and stop following the illusion of wealth since you never had it anyway. Happiness my friends, is simple and not complicated, and it is debt free. Being emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically free is worth more than all the wealth in this world...even if you have to live in a cave, but doubtful that it would come to that!
Date: Sunday, 15 March 2009, 1:36 p.m.
In a restaurant the other day an individual came in and began speaking of the conspiracies that are taking place right now in our country, especially with the economy. He just kept talking to anyone and everyone that would lend him their ear. It was all too easy to recognize that the people he was sharing this information with brushed it all of as the rants of a lunatic fringe nut case. Finally he left the restaurant and the people that he was speaking to began to have a great laugh on his behalf.
They must have sat there for 20 minutes talking to one another about how this guy should be placed in a white coat and hauled off to the zoo. Everyone in there that was listening to this individual blew off everything he said. And what was so sad, is not one word this guy revealed was wrong in any way, all one had to do was check into the facts for themselves and verify what it was that he told them.
I was not part of the conversation, in fact I was not even there during this discussion, my wife filled me in and told me all about it. I just happened to come in to hear the ridicule of this man, and thereby learned exactly what he had told them. I did not say one word. I did not even lift my eyes towards their direction. I just sat their with my wife as she looked at me wondering why I don't set these people straight. I said, why would they acknowledge anything I had to say when they already threw it all off as nonsense.
I told her that each of those people have choices, they can either decide to listen and then check into the facts for themselves, or they can blow it all off as if it is all nonsense. I told my wife that no one is holding a gun to their heads. No one is forcing them to believe one way or the other. Each of them are given a choice to either believe and then do some further investigation, or ridicule it as the ranting raves of a lunatic, nothing I say is going to change that.
No matter what they choose, no one can be blamed but themselves. There was no military regime there holding guns to their head dictating what to believe in. No one was actively forcing anyone to accept this or that. Each person had a choice, and in this case everyone of them volunteered to believe within themselves that this information was not credible all because it was labeled a conspiracy. What I find so ironic is that crimes can be committed in plain sight, all one has to do is convince enough people that the revelations of said crimes are from a conspiracy nut and voila the crime is committed in plain site.
I spent years studying history, it is an amazing subject to view the different cultures and ideologies past and present. Yet in all of my studies one thing I learned that became paramount in every age, culture, nation and ideology is that everything that occurred was all orchestrated as part of a conspiracy. And yet for some unknown hidden reason, today's people believe that conspiracies do not exist, that everyone is good natured and no one would try to do these horrible things to anyone. Now either billions of people took stupid medicine, or they are all lying to themselves out of self preservation. Well I would like to say the former but it reality it is the latter.
From the day we were born there has been an orchestrated event to dictate beliefs upon people so that everyone begins to think the same way. Yet every step along the way, we are given choices. We can either accept or deny whatever it is at any given time. For a long time I also fell into the trap that most people are innocent, they are simply ignorant of what is taking place so how can they be responsible for the action of what others may do. There is partial truth in both scenarios.
On the surface it appears that people are just innocent victims in a charade they have nothing to do with, but when you dig deep you begin to realize everything that is or has become accepted or rejected was all due to individual choices. Our entire life is based on choices. Sure there is a concerted effort to program people to believe a certain way. This is obviously not fair. And there are those that force and persuade in dangerous manners to coerce others, but the fact remains the people still have the right to make a choice, at least right now. I say this because this is what the plan have been for a very long time within the conspiracy, and that is to finally remove the right for people to make choices.
Our economy has been wrecked because people sitting in positions of supposed power have gotten away with one criminal activity after another. And yet if the people did not comply to this madness, the crime could have not taken place at least on the massive scale that it has. Every step along the way, these activities were supported by choices of the people. And some of those choices were simply to turn the ear away and look elsewhere why it was occurring. Now some may squawk at this and say they had nothing to do with any of it. BALONEY!
The degree that you are now burdened by the faltering economy is the same exact degree that you personally allowed for, this truly is a law. Example, were you living way above your means. Were you using credit cards to purchase your daily needs. Did you have to purchase a brand new vehicle and mortgage a new house. Remember no one placed a gun to your head and told you to do these things. You went ahead and made these purchases knowing full well it was going to place you into deep debt.
These are all choices... I am not here to reprimand you I am only here to make you realize that the exact amount of pain you will receive from this criminal activity is the exact amount of choices you made to become part of it. When people purchase things they cannot afford, all because someone is handing you the means to access it, albeit, it is total debt, then you made that choice. Sure you can complain that everyone said it was a good investment to buy a home, or people will respect me more if I am driving a new car. What ever the reason was for you to decide to make the choice, YOU MADE THE CHOICE!
I did not fully understand this until I began to realize that equity and judgment could never be fair unless people really were responsible for their own lives. I have stated for years that we live in what is called a polarity, this polarity is represented by a myriad of different things, but especially good and evil. Every day we open our eyes and begin our journey for that day, we have choices. It is your choice to get up or stay in bed. It is your choice to go to work in a meaningless job or search for something better. It is your choice whether you will allow your boss to micro manage your life, or tell them you are going to take your own bull by the horns. It is your choice whether you are going to live where you are at or move to some place different. It is your choice how you treat people during the day.
It is your choice whether you put a smile on your face or begin to unleash your fury upon everyone else. It is your choice whether you go shopping or save for a rainy day. Everything we do is all about choices, and 99% of the time no one is holding a gun to your head to force you to choose one way or the other. If that soda drink is bad for you it is your choice whether you will drink it or not. If cigarettes are going to harm your lungs because of the known kerosene within them that causes them to burn, it is your choice to decide that is what you will accept.
However, if the debt collector wants their money, or cancer develops because of smoking, or other odd health or financial problems occur because of the choices of your diet, and way of life, who can be blamed? Are you going to blame the cigarette company, or the Coca Cola company? It reminds me of Kramer on Seinfeld when he sued the coffee company for spilling coffee on himself and claimed it was too hot. Well who told him to stuff the coffee down his pants to sneak it in the movie theater? Every choice we make even if we are absolutely ignorant of the effects of that choice, was a choice we made and no one is to blame if there are side effects. Every choice comes with a decision, and each choice allows one to investigate the potential effects of that choice before it is made. Therefore ignorance is not really an excuse.
Yea ignorance may not even be an acceptable excuse because remember that nut case conspiracy freak, remember they told you about many of these things that have been plotted against you. But you laughed it off and said that you would rather believe the masses and remain ignorant than to believe a masterful conspiracy against you and your family. So when it comes time to pay the piper, can you really be innocent due to ignorance? Remember it was your choice to easily reject information that might have saved your life.
Whose choice is it when medicines have more warnings of the side effects than they do the actual healing properties? You can't say, my doctor told me that I should take it, it was still your choice. You have the lawful right to investigate any medicine before you take it. You cannot blame your doctor, anymore than you can blame the cigarette company, both are just salesmen doing their job. Most of the time you are being told that these things have ill effects upon the body. So if you choose to dabble in areas that have serious side effects, then you should be willing to accept the result of the action.
The truth is even the dark powers that rule know this truth, if you allow them to give you something that is harmful they are no longer responsible...
I have often asked the question to people that if they were in politics what would they really do? Most respond out of the idea that they would want to help people. That they would never be like other politicians. And yet I maintain that the majority of people given the chance would all fall into step with the agenda, and not bat an eye. How do I know that, because I know human nature, and I see people everyday making choices that are all about serving their own personal interests rather than serving the interests of others.
Just like going to work, you might realize that the way things are being done is incorrect, however your boss dictates to you what they desire. And if you want a paycheck at the end of the week, then you better comply. Now most people would never challenge this, they know that they must follow what their boss wants or else they will be out on the street without a job. So here is an area where a choice is based on what someone else desires even though it goes against your conscience, but hey, it is my paycheck. BUT YO it was still your choice!
Even religion is like this, ministers and Priests get their paycheck based on the fact that they are backing the directives of those higher than they are. If they choose to preach another doctrine, then they will also be out on the street. How many preachers are teaching things that goes against their conscience, but they know to receive that paycheck they gots to do it? Well they don't gots to do anything, it is all a choice based on their belief of self preservation, serving the self no matter the detriment to others!
Remember the Nuremberg trials, where the German Nazi military men just said they were following orders? These people were hanged, and yet I ask, who was responsible. Those that followed orders against their conscience or even if they did it because they agreed, or those that gave the orders. The ones that followed the orders were the still the ones that had to pay the piper, because they still had the option to choose the opposite way, but again for self-preservation...
So the first realization is that people will follow even though they disagree with what is occurring, all because there is a reward in doing so. Even if what they are doing goes against their conscience, they will simply say, I had to because this is what my boss wanted. yet not really, they did not have to, it was because of self-preservation...And this goes for every aspect of life. So how can anyone judge those that offer things that are a detriment to mind, body and soul when the individual never had to accept it?
And just like politics, most people who enter politics even for all the right reasons quickly learn that they must follow protocol if they want to keep their status. If they want the perks, if they want the fame and glory, then they have to follow the program or else they will be quickly eliminated or simply silenced.
Many people speak of the wealthy as being greedy, as hardhearted because they seemingly don't care about anyone else, for if they did they would help others out by sharing their wealth. And yet we all know that is the furthest thing from their mind in most cases, obviously this is true because most of the world's wealth is handled by only 2% of the entire world populace.
In fact they go to the opposite approach and convince themselves that helping people is only hurting them. They come up with all kinds of sweet reasons why they should not have to help. Well I only have so much I can't help everyone. Or I would only be harming them if I helped them, they obviously are broke because they have to learn something. You see everything is a choice and it often revolves around self-preservation.
So they hide their money, spend millions on security all to protect their wealth and fame. And what is so ironic is that the money that was used for security to protect their money, could have fed thousands of starving children, but self-preservation always seems to prevail over the correct choice. It actually becomes a club of the elite, and of course not everyone can be in the club. However if you happen to become part of the club, then you have to play ball like everyone else, or you are soon going to be stripped of your fame and back on poor street. In this case what are you really going to choose, remain wealthy and follow the program or become poor and ridiculed and despised, but remain free within your conscience?
People that are not affluent judge people that are wealthy believing their actions are horrible, and they judge these people saying I would never do this if I had the money. My friends once again I am going to disagree, because the fruit of human nature says differently and the actions of the many reveals the truth. You can say all you want that you would not do this, nevertheless, there is a strong chance that if you are given the opportunity, you would respond like most everyone has. If you are not sure, consider your employment right now, consider how deep in debt you are right now. Who made these choices and for what reasons?
I will go one step further, most people if they were recruited into the secret societies, the Illuminati etc... they would not turn it down due to the overwhelming allotment of wealth, fame and power you would receive. It takes a rare person to stand on principle in the midst of power allotment. And as I know there are many of you screaming at me right now saying this is not true. Once again, I ask a simple question. How deep in debt are you? Are you mortgage out the arse, are your credit cards the only instrument that is saving you between eating and not eating?
Why did you allow this? If you bought into the game of debt to create the illusion you have wealth. If you would do this as a debt, how much more would you do this where it was all free and clear, handed to you on a silver platter?
Once again I want to iterate that I am not judging anyone, I am just saying that the world we live in does not have a single enemy because we are all responsible for the direction this world has taken. It is not Satan, Lucifer, your boss, etc... Each one of us has made decisions that at best were deceptive and at worse were deadly. The Illuminati does not run this world. Neither does the council on foreign relations or the trilateral commission. Now granted all of these organizations exist, yet they could have no more power than a rabbit if the people did not allow themselves to be seduced.
The other day I read where an individual claimed he was part of the Illuminati and they made this amazing statement, they said, we could not do anything that we have accomplished if the people did not make the choice to allow our direction to manifest. He said the people have much more power than they ever realized and as long as we can create the belief that they have no power they will then follow our bidding and do what we desire for them to do. An example, we create wars and the people could simply choose not to follow us into the war, and therefore there would be no war. However we design the event and set up the scenario where it makes it very difficult to choose against us. Yet even so, it is still their choice...
This is not only amazing it should shake people to the bone to realize how much control people really do have yet fail to use the proper choice due to self-preservation. And what is so odd people will sacrifice their lives barely knowing why, because they were afraid what would happen if they did not. Talk about scrambled eggs.
Now for those that would deny all of this, I am going to say that granted there are people, maybe even millions that will not follow after other people, that are not seduced by jargons and hype. There are those that would rather be poor and debt free than projecting wealth while being deep in debt. Yes these people exist and if you are one of them then fine. However, the fact remains the majority is not like this because humans live according to the hive mentality, they are followers, and that is why they can hear someone speaking the truth about conspiracies, and then laugh at the truth and mock the messenger all because they do not have enough courage to stand up and say, well I am going to check into this for myself. It is easier to comply with everyone else even if they are dead wrong rather than to check into things for yourself. And I say once again, then who is it that is guilty, the conspirators, or the followers?
And since most people follow they never take the time to think about what it is that they are getting themselves into. And so they make the choice to be like everyone else because they think it grants less pain. And thus the secret societies uses this to control them like sheep.
This is why humans will riot, humans will enter civil wars, not because this was their personal belief or direction it is because they are being deceived to do so because they relinquished the choices to say no, and instead decide to follow wherever everyone else was going, because it was easier on the surface. Often people because they believe they deserve something that they do not have and instead of acquiring it the correct way they chose to harm others to get what they desire, and again it is a choice.
A man came the other day speaking of how bad the economy is right now and how many people have already lost their jobs. I actually was watching a news channel while at the bank and saw that the unemployment for February went from 850 thousand to over 12.5 million in one month. That is crazy... Well this man was telling us about his brother that has a family with children. He lost his job and also has no money. He lives in a huge house with brand new cars and cannot afford to keep them. This individual told us that his brother said if I do not get a job quickly then I am going to have to start stealing from others.
You see my friends, this is a choice. Here is a family man that would resort to the lowest of low which might even mean murder just so he could feed his family. But the fact is, it is a choice based on the degree of what he allowed himself to get into in the first place. My friends, we are not really like this from the divine world, but something drastically changed in us. This man has all sorts of opportunities in front of him, but he chooses to steal, WHY?
Because his life was built upon a fake economic resource all of which was bartered into debt. So his entire life is based in a lie, of living in the disguise of wealth. Now when it all is taken away from him, his first choice, unless someone gives it back to him, is to steal from others which may entail murder. What happened to this family man that was just trying to survive working in a job? What possibly could have occurred with him to make such a violent change in his thinking? The answer is, his choices led to a false reality revealing what what he thought he owned, none of it was real. But because of these choices which by now are all compounded upon each other, his first thought of action is give me back what I had or I will take it from others. All of a sudden, the first priority is not the brand new car, or the mortgaged home it is food and water and raiment. Ah HA! The funny thing is if this was always his first priority he would have never been in this situation.
This is the exact direction that certain ones that want to control people's lives are banking on, pun intended. They want people to lose control of reality to continue to strive for the illusion. When people are living beyond their ability to afford, then they are rats caught in a trap waiting for the slaughter, all their riches which is actually debt has jailed them. It is inevitable that people that live upon debt, will eventually lose everything and realize they are sitting in a jail cell. This is the law of debt, that is why it is called debt. When you live in debt it means you owe something and you are not free. One day the debt collector is going to come back and get what is coming to them, unless you tell them you are not going to play their game anymore
What has occurred to this man is he was stripped of his utmost spiritual clothing and now all he is concerned about his feeding his children by any means necessary. But he will not even think for one second that there is all kinds of opportunity out there to change his situation. The reason he is not even thinking upon this is because none of it will get him back to what he had. He will have to sacrifice pretty much everything. Instead of living in the new house, he must find modest living quarters. Instead of driving that brand new Ferrari, he needs to realize that transportation in not about appearance, but about need. Therefore he might have to drive that 25 year old vehicle, god forbid. He may even have to get a new job. WOW reality may have to set in for the first time in his life.
People do not have to resort to criminal activity, this is what is being programmed into them because of their choices to follow after the illusion of debt and they allow themselves to go along with it even though they know inside of themselves it is all wrong. There is a world of wonder out there, and people are going to need to react in a responsible manner. And the first change is denounce the way we have been living prior and begin to choose a new way. Seek out others that are having the same problem and work together to find answers. Move if need be to somewhere else much less complicated.
If you are deep in debt to a bank then let them have their collateral back and get yourself free from the shackles of bondage. Remember, houses are mortgaged because they belong to banks not you. Give up the idea that you are the actual owner, because you are not. So therefore let them have their debt bondage instrument back because you are never going to be free from it. Anything that calls for interest is called a time loop, and you will never get out of this lifestyle. So you buy a car for 20 grand, and pay nearly 45-60 grand in 7-10 years. The interest is way beyond the expense of the already super overpriced vehicle. The car depreciates the moment it hits asphalt. And by that time, your car is now worthless and you think, well I can just trade this one in and buy a new one again and get in debt for another 7-10 years, never realizing that when the car is paid off you are now free, instead you would rather have luxury and be a slave to debt instead of living within your means. You cannot continue to live like this without someday paying the piper.
This is why they designed this system like this, if you choose to follow it, then you are a debtor to the system and they own you. Do not allow them to own you anymore, simply because they only own you via the collateral you offer for the debt. That collateral is not even yours, so give it back. I don't care what anyone says, if you are in debt then you are not the owner, so give it back to the owner. And even when you do finally own something all you get for it is a certificate of ownership because even then the State still owns what you thought you owned so you can pay taxes on their property. So never become attached to materialism this is what traps people, it is only a fleeting moment while you strive to grow spiritually.
My friends, America is going to survive what is about to happen, but whether you do or not is the big question and your big choice... it will be the small town America, with the mom and pop shops that come back to life in their own communities. This is how this country is going to be saved. All of the corporate businesses will all collapse because they were built in the same fraudulent debt that you allowed yourselves to be part of.
There can never be DARK WORLD RULE AND CONTROL it will never happen. THIS IS THE LAW OF KARMA IN A WORLD OF POLARITY... As long as this Earth Program continues, there always will be the avenue for choice, that is the law, and the dark side knows this. However if you keep surrendering to the dark side choices eventually you will lose your choice. This does not mean others will have to follow.
More people are going to be living in trailers rather than gigantic houses. People are going to have to learn to come back again to their own community and learn how to work together, planting gardens and bartering with acceptable trade values. As the economy falters more, states will begin to break away from the federal government because this is the natural effect of this type of parasite activity. No one is going to be able to stop this from occurring because it will become a natural remedy of the problem that is threatening the polarity game.
You do not have to turn to violence to feed your family, that choice will only destroy you and your family. If you trust in your angels you will be provided for, if you do not, then you shall surely perish. HOWEVER YOU MUST BEGIN TO MAKE SACRIFICES...
So make the right choices, and stop following the illusion of wealth since you never had it anyway. Happiness my friends, is simple and not complicated, and it is debt free. Being emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically free is worth more than all the wealth in this world...even if you have to live in a cave, but doubtful that it would come to that!
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