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Thursday, 26 April 2012

"By Their Fruits, So Shall Ye Know Them" - recognise the source of evil yet?

... Three days later he was killed – by a US drone, says Jemima Khan

Despite an official US statement claiming that there have been no ‘non-combatant deaths’ as a result of drone strikes, there is a growing sentiment, especially in Pakistan, that too many civilians are also being killed.

Independent research suggests that some victims, like Tariq, are under 18. The Bureau of Investigative Journalism has been compiling a database and has found credible reports of between 464 and 815 civilian fatalities in the strikes, 175 of them children.

Obama, who has overseen more than 85 per cent of all reported drone strikes on Pakistan, joked at the White House Correspondents’ Ball in May 2010 that he had two words of warning for boys with designs on his daughters: ‘… Predator drones. You will never see it coming.’

Obama - Nobel Prize Winner..."By Their Fruits..."

Daily Mail - UK  

1 comment:

  1. News just in....

    White House approves expanded drone strikes against al-Qaida in Yemen - @AP


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