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Sunday, 27 May 2012


Trial and Execution of Jesus by Pontius Pilate written during his Governorship of Judaea to his friend Seneca in Rome

I must complete the letter which I began this morning. Immediately after despatching Krito, I confirmed with Marcius the military arrangements for the Passover, which begins to-morrow. I heard reports from Joseph, who thinks that acts of violence against individuals amongst the ruling Sadducees will grow. In his opinion it does not much matter whether the province is as quiet as I contrive to keep it or whether there is constant friction between us and the Jews; his feeling is that the extreme men are tired of peace. Afterwards I tried and condemned the prisoner Jesus. He was crucified at once along with some other prisoners who were awaiting execution. It is not a bad thing to have an object lesson of this kind on the eve of the Passover because, in such a nondescript gathering as we have here, there must always be dangerous characters who have exceptional opportunities for their special qualities. By this time Jesus is buried. It is their custom to bury an executed offender the same day and, besides, the Sabbath begins at sunset - has, indeed, already begun. The Sanhedrim asked permission to bury the body this afternoon. It suits them, having got Jesus out of their way, to dispose of the whole matter before the Passover begins and so to damp down any discussion which might arise, especially after the inscription that I ordered to be attached to the prisoner, about which more presently.

The trial was short but in due form and order. Jesus was accused of disturbing the peace, stirring up disaffection and claiming to be King of the Jews. There was evidence both from our side and from that of the Jews, both from Galilee and from this city. Caiaphas, Annas and the leading Sadducees were prominent and so were some but not all of the chief Pharisees; some of the Pharisees would lend no assistance in convicting a rebel against Caesar however much they desired his death as a rebel against themselves. However, that did not help him. The priests had much to say of his attacks on their religion, but I cut them short on that. They cannot have it both ways. If we are not allowed to interfere in their religion, they cannot appeal to us when their observances are attacked; as soon as the offence becomes political, directly or indirectly, then we take note of it. They may squabble about Yahveh, like the Egyptians about Isis, till they burst, but when a man brawls in the Temple he tends to provoke a general explosion and that concerns us closely. The charge against Jesus of disturbing the peace was proved to the hilt and he could not deny it.

I inquired of the prisoner, through Alexander, whether he admitted the more serious accusations. The Jews alleged that he regarded himself as the destined deliverer of the nation, which involves the end of both their authority and ours. This would constitute a much more direct offence than that for which Antipas put John to death. They cited both the public utterances in which Jesus had spoken of a new kingdom as being imminent and also certain admissions about himself which they said he had made to his own followers. This was, I suppose, the special evidence which Annas said that they intended to produce. I put the question to him. I asked him whether he considered himself to be the deliverer. 'So THEY say,' he answered, indicating the High Priest and his neighbours, with a curt gesture of contempt. I pointed out to him that he was accused also of representing himself as King of the Jews. I asked him whether he considered himself to be that. He made the same answer - 'So YOU say,' meaning, I suppose, that in neither case was there anything in his own conduct or motives to support the accusation, but that he knew well enough that we meant in any case to fix the charge upon him. He realized that he was trapped, and that there was no way of escape, but he was bold and resolute, defiant, almost insolent. They are all alike, these Jews, bitter and unyielding, whether to us or to each other. Standing alone he might be, forsaken and with enemies on every side who meant his death, with his own countrymen delivering him to the Roman executioner, but he was cool and determined, like the men who engineered an attempt on the life of the great Herod and suffered the extremes of torture sooner than yield an inch. A dangerous breed!

I condemned him to death. I could, of course, do nothing less. All roads lead to that conclusion. Alexander, who has a cool and detached way of regarding his countrymen, insists that this man, so far from posing as Messiah, or King, like most of the mischief-makers during the last thirty years, did all that he could to prevent the stupid people from fastening that part on him. Alexander thinks that there was nothing that Jesus sought to avoid so much as this, knowing that if such a conception of him spread abroad, it would deliver him into our hands and be fatal to his campaign - a hopeless campaign in any case - against the priesthood and its system. Alexander has talked to some of his followers and says that the preacher had unquestionably warned them often and in the severest terms that they were not to regard him or speak of him as the Deliverer whom all these Jews expect, and that it was only when he thought that the old conception of him had died away in Galilee that he decided to come up to Jerusalem. It may be. But I am sure that if he was not a dangerous rebel yesterday, he would have been to-morrow. For either he would have succeeded in his assault on the priesthood or he would not. If he had not, how long would a man of his temperament, so passionate, headstrong and bold, have abstained from making that appeal to the patriotic feelings of these Jews which always - always - meets with a quick response, even when made by men of much less powerful character than his? You remember Procula's and Alexander's description of the scene in Galilee? And supposing that he had conceivably made headway against the priests and all the mummery of the Temple ritual, how long would it have been before he turned upon Caesar and the sacrifices to Caesar and to Rome? Would he have respected the cult of Divus Augustus, do you suppose? But long before we had to consider that eventuality we should have had to intervene with force between their contending factions. Why, as it is, they are almost in a state of suppressed civil war, ready to fly at each other's throats. Give them a bad governor - a governor even half as bad as they say that I am - and the feud between those who tolerate us and those who despise the tolerators will break into open war. This is an unfruitful soil in all respects but one. The seeds of disorder will grow if you only scratch the soil. My policy is to destroy them the moment that they sprout.

But I had forgotten: allow me one word about the inscription announcing the offence of Jesus. It was 'King of the Jews,' set up over the cross. The Pharisees were indignant. They themselves want a King of the Jews. It would give them the greatest pleasure to see Caesar overthrown to-morrow and a Jewish King installed - not a half-Jew like Herod - who would rule the country through them and suppress their Sadducean rivals. But it angered them to see the precious title, 'King of the Jews,' held up to ridicule; it was too plain a reminder of their servitude. Besides, they thought it an insult that a crucified criminal, a presumptuous countryman who had defied them, should be labelled 'King.' I took a short way with them. 'What I have written I have written,' said I, and bade them begone. I know the breed. From the moment that this Jesus set up his individual judgement against theirs they meant to have his life. Scratch a priest and find an autocrat. All the world over, if a man says that he will use his own intelligence about things divine, the priests prick up their ears and feel their knives. If he goes further and tells his fellow-men that they also are entitled to use their own intelligence - off with his head and there's an end of it!

I run on so, my dear Seneca. The subject carries me away. I must apologize to you again; I am afraid that even you will find the subject tedious. For, after all, what does it matter? What does it matter - one Jew more or less?

I wish I could find a substitute for Aduatucus.

Edited by W. P. CROZIER (formerly Scholar of Trinity College, Oxford)

Saturday, 26 May 2012

Jesus ‘died on Friday, April, 3 33AD’ claims study that matches crucifixion to earthquake mentioned in gospel

Jesus died on Friday, April 3, 33AD, according to an investigation which matches his death to an earthquake.

The investigation, from the International Geology Review, looked at earthquake activity around the Dead Sea, which is around 13 miles from Jerusalem.

The Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 27, says that as Jesus lay dying on the cross, an earthquake shook the area, scattering graves and making the sky go dark.

Hieronymus Bosch' painting of The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ (c. 1500)
Hieronymus Bosch' painting of The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ (c. 1500)

Now researchers have looked at textual accounts, geological records and astronomical data to find the most likely date for Jesus's death.

Geologist Jefferson Williams of Supersonic Geophysical, and colleagues from the German Research Center for Geosciences, studied soil samples from the beach of Ein Gedi Spa, next to the Dead Sea.

Researching the deeper layers of the soil, two earthquakes were detected by looking at the layers of built-up sediment, called varves, which built up each year. A widespread earthquake is known to have happened in 31BC, and another one was detected which must have occured between 26AD and 36AD.

The Gospel of Matthew:
"Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost. And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent; And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many. Now when the centurion, and they that were with him, watching Jesus, saw the earthquake, and those things that were done, they feared greatly, saying, Truly this was the Son of God."
Williams told Discovery that the latter earthquake occurred during 'the years when Pontius Pilate was procurator of Judea and when the earthquake of the Gospel of Matthew is historically constrained.'
He said the the day and date of the crucifixion are known with a fair degree of precision - but the year has been in question.
However, putting the jigsaw together, Williams said the clues were:
  • All four gospels and Tacitus in Annals (XV,44) agree that the crucifixion occurred when Pontius Pilate was procurator of Judea from 26-36 AD
  • All four gospels say the crucifixion occurred on a Friday
  • All four gospels agree that Jesus died a few hours before the beginning of the Jewish Sabbath (nightfall on a Friday)
  • The synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke) indicate that Jesus died before nightfall on the 14th day of Nisan; right before the start of the Passover meal
  • John’s gospel differs from the 'Synoptic Gospels'; apparently indicating that Jesus died before nightfall on the 15th day of Nisan
The researchers said that these clues, combined with the Jewish calendar and astronomy clues, indicate that Friday April 3, 33 AD is the best possible match.

The coast of the Dead Sea - clues under the ground help identify when and where earthquakes happened
The coast of the Dead Sea - clues under the ground help identify when and where earthquakes happened

One other clue in the gospels may also support this theory - three of the four canonical gospels report darkness from midday to 3pm on the day after the crucifixion.
Williams told Discovery that this could have been caused by a dust storm - and now he is searching the soil samples to see if he can find evidence of this as well.

Read more: Published by: Daily Mail


Friday, 25 May 2012

Low-Tech Solutions To High-Tech Tyranny

Submitted by Brandon Smith from Alt-Market

Disclaimer:  The following is a series of fictional accounts of theoretical situations.  However, the information contained within was taken from established scientific journals on covered technology and military studies of real life combat scenarios.  Alt-Market does not condone the use of any of the tactics described within for “illegal” purposes.  Obviously, the totalitarian subject matter portrayed here is “pure fantasy”, and would never be encountered in the U.S. where politicians and corporate bankers are forthright, honest, and honorable, wishing only the sweetest sugar coated chili-dog best for all of mankind…

Imagine, if you will, a fantastic near future in which the United States is facing an unmitigated economic implosion.  Not just a mere market crash, or a stint of high unemployment, but a full spectrum collapse driven by unsustainable debt spending and hyperinflationary printing.  The American people witness multiple credit downgrades of U.S. Treasury mechanisms, the dollar loses its reserve status, devaluation of the currency runs rampant, and the prices of commodities and imported goods immediately skyrocket.

In the background of this disaster, a group of financial elite with dreams of a new centralized economic and political system use the chaos to encourage a removal of long held civil liberties; displacing Constitutional protections they deem “outdated” and no longer “practical” in the midst of our modern day troubles.  This group then institutes draconian policies through the executive orders of a puppet president, including indefinite detention, assassination, and even martial law against citizens.  For now, let’s just refer to them as “The Swedes”….

The Swedes have an extraordinary array of technological tools at their disposal.  The kind of equipment dictators like Stalin and Hitler would have killed for…literally.  This technology is so pervasive and so unprecedented in the history of tyrannical governments that average people shiver at the very thought of resistance.  The Swedes seem to be invincible.

Some Americans think about escaping to a foreign country before the zealots totally dominate, but ultimately, running is meaningless.  The Swedes want a global control grid, not just an American one.  Eventually, the expatriates will have to face the music as well.

Others believe that they can take their families and hide alone in far off mountains to wait out the storm, but they do not consider what will happen to their country and its principles while they curl up in a ball and pray that the catastrophe does not touch them.  They forget that survival is hollow if one finds himself and his culture enslaved in the meantime.

And yet others, those who are aware of the consequences of unchecked oligarchy, decide to build communities of liberty minded individuals in preparation for the dangers ahead.  They seek local and national solutions, social and political.  However, always in the backs of their minds sits the understanding that these situations rarely if ever solve themselves, and rarely if ever end peacefully.  Despots only respect one thing - Power.  Those who refuse to fight back are, in their eyes, nothing but an easy meal, like a wounded animal in a forest of wolves.  This third group of awake Americans comes to realize that one day the Swedes will move with severe aggression, and will have to be physically stopped.  But how...?

With modern computer driven weaponry at their fingertips, any resistance appears futile.  Some Americans, though, do their homework, and discover that most successful revolutions against better equipped opponents utilize low tech methods in highly intelligent ways.  They study the inherent weaknesses of the enemy weapons platforms using readily available online manuals and scientific journals.  They realize that these pieces of equipment costing millions of dollars each can be defeated using methods that cost little more than pocket change.  A war of economic attrition ensues, whereby the Swedes find themselves completely dependent on systems that cannot be maintained without substantial financial sacrifice.  With each new piece of hardware, comes an even more frustrating strategy of defiance.  Here are just a few examples…

CCTV Surveillance Grid

Sam is a Liberty Movement sympathizer caught in the city during the establishment of a high-tech surveillance grid in his hometown.  The dastardly Swedes relish the idea of being able to keep tabs on every person everywhere.  They even establish a database in the heart of Colorado which collates information in real time, allowing them to build and organize files on millions of citizens.  The success of this grid depends greatly on the capacity of their CCTV cameras placed in an ever expanding spider’s web across heavily populated regions.  The cameras use biometric data collected and stored by airport body scanners which the “extremists” often refer to as “naked body scanners”.  The data allows computers to quickly match specific body signs to identity.

The Swedes told the public that their data would not be saved for future reference, but of course, this was later found to be a lie.  It did not take long before the scanners were moved from the airports, to train stations, to bus stations, to federal buildings, to street corners for random shakedowns.  Sam knows that if his file is pulled up by one of the cameras, he is in serious trouble, and so makes plans to escape the city limits.  With curfews being set earlier and earlier in the evening, he decides to make his move before it is too late.

The night vision and thermal vision capabilities on the latest CCTV cameras makes disguise nearly impossible.   Makeup and prosthetics help to hide bone structure, and a knee brace helps to change the gait of Sam’s walk, but Sam also knows that the thermal filters on the cameras are actually able to see the heat of blood flow through facial arteries, which act as a face fingerprint.  There is no low-tech way to forge this face fingerprint:

So instead, Sam decides to block the camera system’s ability to use thermal vision at all.  He does this with a few dollars and a hat, gluing small Infrared LED lightbulbs into the cap along with a tiny battery source.  The IR lights drown out the CCTV ability to make any clear distinctions in his face, thus preventing any positive ID.  Sam is clever, and plants similar IR devices on other people without their knowledge, diluting the attention of Swedish law enforcement officials who are left wondering if their cameras are malfunctioning or if their city is swarming with “terrorists”:

Fingerprint Scanners

Angela is a worker in a Swedish detention facility.  At first, she believed that all the people quartered in the facility were terrorists who represented a threat to innocent lives.  But, over time, she came to realize that the true innocents were being housed in the prison, most of them detained for no more than criticizing Swedish policy or protesting a political injustice.  Angela makes plans to steal confidential information on the camp from her boss’ office and hand it over to the resistance.  Unfortunately, her boss uses a fingerprint scanner to unlock his door.  Luckily, she had done research into fail-test methods for such scanners in scientific and security journals and learned how to make molds using latent fingerprints:

RFID Chips

RFID chipping is all the rage with the Swedes, so of course they were more than keen to introduce the intrusive technology to the U.S. once the control grid was established.  The tiny inexpensive chips allowed tracking of nearly everything, from retail habits, to civilian movements, to common monetary transactions.  Evan, a computer hobbyist and quiet supporter of the Liberty Movement, found that without certain RFID designations, many goods could not be purchased, at least in bulk.  Only Swedish officials had the ability to go anywhere and to buy what they needed.

Evan found a solution, not necessarily “low-tech”, but easy enough to make using common materials and a basic knowledge of electronics and programming.  His idea?  Build an RFID Emulator/Cloner:

The cloner had the ability to read particular RFID chips, even from a distance, and to then copy their unique signal.  Evan was able to clone any chip anywhere and then implant the code on an RFID card or any other item containing a chip, making life easier for him, and information easier to get for others.

GPS Tracking

Evelyn was a political activist and independent journalist before the crash.  Her writing had become quite prominent in freedom minded circles, but the dollar had fallen, and with it, the Constitution had been scrapped.  Her criticisms of the Swedish controlled government were well known, and she had heard stories of liberty writers “disappearing”.  She decided to leave the confines of the city to stay with a friend before the noose was tightened completely.

As she entered her vehicle and made her way outside the city along backroads, away from the highway and possible checkpoints, she noticed that a nondescript car seemed to be shadowing her from a distance.  She made a few unplanned turns, and did not see the car again for twenty minutes.  Then, it appeared again, at the very edge of her mirror’s field of vision.  She realized that she may have a GPS tracking device implanted somewhere in her car, and to find it quickly would be impossible.  Thankfully, she had purchased a GPS jamming device months ago, which allowed her to block any GPS transmissions within a small to medium radius.  The device was furiously labeled by the FCC as “dangerous” and “illegal to use”, however, they remained very easy to buy until the crash:

Electronic Surveillance In General

Whether it be a CCTV camera, or a body scanner, sometimes the best option is not to evade or disguise, but to pull the plug entirely.  At least, that was James’ point of view after the control grid went into overdrive and he couldn’t walk his dog without a blue-shirted Swedish agent fondling him on the sidewalk or forcing him to walk through a body scanner.  Finally, he had had enough, and so, decided that if they wanted to track every move of every person, it was going to cost them.

Using commonly available parts, James built a personal EMP device.  Its range was dependent on the size of the power supply he tied to it, but when used properly, it would zap anything with a circuit within several feet of him:

The Body Scanners were useless.  RFID tags went blank.  CCTV cameras shorted.  They would eventually be replaced, but the cost would be high, and as long as he didn’t get caught, James could experience, at least for a short time, the America of the past…

Sound Cannon / Silence Gun

Mary had seen her family in poverty, her country in ruins, and her government turn to outright treason.  In her mind, the only recourse left was to take to the streets.  However, this proved to be almost as useless as participating in the election process.  New sound cannon vehicles were deployed in waves along with riot police to quell any and all protests, no matter how peaceful in nature.

Mary learned two things quickly.  The first:  always bring a gas mask to the party.  The second:  always think simple when faced with technological tyranny.

The sound cannon blast was terrible, making concentration difficult and causing panic amongst the protestors.  Even worse though was the Silence Gun:

Which actually recorded and then projected back a person’s voice only a split second after they began to talk, causing mental confusion and eventually, frustration and silence.  The device was popular at political events where activists were likely to interrupt a candidate’s teleprompter speech to expose the public to a few truths.  Mary was not a hacker, or a military specialist, or a technician of any kind.  So, she wore ear plugs.  Problem solved.

Night Vision / Thermal Imaging / Predator Drone

A considerable threat to those who decided to fight back against the Swedes was the widespread usage of night vision and thermal imagers by troops sent to hunt down and capture dissenters (the Swedes called them “enemy combatants).  The use of FLIR cameras on aircraft and the feared predator drones were especially terrifying to those who knew very little about how such technology actually functions.

David, an insurgent against Swede governance, was tired of hearing about how the Predator Drones would be the doom of all who defied the establishment.  He felt that this outlandish perception came more from the fact that the drones had no human passenger, and so, no potential casualty risk.  The concept of facing down a machine that feels no combat apprehension is certainly disturbing, but not insurmountable.  At bottom, what the enemy cannot see, the enemy cannot kill.  And so, instead of trying in vain to fight the drones and their thermal / night vision on the terms of the oppressive military presence, he decided to make their vision advantage irrelevant by studying IR evasion used in sniper training.

Regular night vision relies, in most cases, on the use of an IR light which bounces off targets within the field of view.  This is often referred to as “Active IR”.  Thermal Vision reads existing IR at a different wavelength, usually in heat producing or high IR producing bodies, called “Passive IR”.

For evading Active IR night vision, David found that regular camouflaging methods along with smoke worked well.  For defeating night vision altogether, he found that bright IR flashlights and floodlights, and even regular bright lights like camera flashes, shined directly at the target wearer of the night vision device, would be blinded for a short period of time, leaving room for escape.

Thermal vision evasion was more difficult.  David and his team first studied the IR Emissivity Tables of common everyday materials:

All objects above the temperature of absolute zero release a certain level of electromagnetic radiation, which thermal imagers pick up and translate into a visual picture.  Hiding one’s heat signature is difficult, but not impossible.  The key, as David learned through military sniper training manuals and combat analysis, was to match his IR signature with that of his surrounding as much as possible.

He fashioned a hooded cloak using a material that would block much of his initial warmth, then lined the inside of it with emergency space blanket material, which reflects back around 90% body heat.  The cloak design worked well because he could easily take down the hood and unwrap himself when not in immediate danger, allowing the material to cool as he walked.

Then David attached local vegetation to the material to help match its IR Emissivity to the surrounding foliage.  This combination reduced his thermal signature drastically.  Overhead drones could not identify him clearly as a human, if they were able to see him at all.  Ground forces were a greater threat, but the element of surprise was still possible for the insurgents with cloaks.

In combat, the tandem dangers of drones overhead and ground forces in pursuit with thermal vision made life difficult.  David carefully studied field guides to Predator Drone strengths and weaknesses:

David and his team then utilized a special strategy under these extreme circumstances called “False IR Signature”.

Operating in bad weather gave the freedom fighters an instant advantage.  Heavy rain washed away thermal footprints and obscured body heat.  Thick cloud cover made image integrity poor.  Contrary to popular belief, the drones had many downfalls, and their eyes were limited in numerous ways.

When in the middle of combat, where drone surveillance was most dangerous to low-tech resistance, multiple fake IR signatures were created using whatever was available.  David used a combination of IR Chemlights and hot burning road flares thrown all over the field to misdirect drone cameras.  With IR hotspots everywhere, the thermal cameras had no idea where to focus, let alone which targets were real, and which were fake.  IR strobe light flares flashed intermittently causing even more confusion, and masked to some extent muzzle flash from firearms.

Larger objects could also be faked using pieces of metal heated with fire, or even heated metallic balloons arranged in a sizable pattern to mimic a hot running car or tank.  Drones would zero in on false targets and unleash missiles, only to waste the expensive ordinance on party favors and scrap.  Through David’s knowledge and efforts, the game had become more level.

Technology Or Force Of Will?

Technological weaponry and surveillance should never be underestimated.  Today’s advancements are terrifying, devastating, and were designed after decades of trial and error in peripheral wars and burgeoning dictatorships around the world.  A technology cannot be defeated by someone who does not respect its capability.  That said, in the end, wars are not won with fancy gadgets alone.  All conflicts are decided by a primary driver; force of will.

Who has the strength of spirit to endure the longest?  Who has the intelligence to outwit the technology?  Who knows exactly what they are fighting for and why?  These questions decide victory, not unmanned aircraft and computers.

In the introduction, I joke a little about the state of our Republic, but sadly, the fictional accounts above represent realities that Americans today must consider as practical and possible in the near future.  “The Swedes” are not illusion, but a parable of the kind of totalitarianism that arises in the midst of any culture dominated by elitism and collectivism.  Whether you believe this is realistic or not in our nation today I suppose is dependent on your level of awareness surrounding current events.  My goal in covering the information above is not to convince you one way or the other of the dangers ahead.  The point is to redistribute the knowledge so that one day, in the event that the stories portrayed turn out to be more true than you realize, you may have the ability to do something about those troubled times as an effective champion, rather than a helpless victim…

Sunday, 20 May 2012

Advice to the very guilty fuckers...

By Clif High

When universe decides it is done with me, and this body is surrendered back to the stream of energy from whence it came (no, Virginia, atoms do not really exist; it is only universe pretending to be solid just where you are poking it.), it will arrive as a pretty beat up wreck of a human. Covered in scars and deformities from decades of battles and an equally long history of being a stupid ass, this body's inhabitant has admittedly been a less than careful caretaker of the flesh it was allocated for this sojourn (soul journey) through the matterium. Mea culpa's of inattention, frequent distraction while operating machinery, and a lack of good sense that inevitably led to wrong place, wrong time conjunctions notwithstanding, this body's inhabitant has at least learned a thing or two about wounds and pain in the long process of acquiring wisdom the hard way, one cut at a time.

The thing to learn about pains is this, all wounds are an energy transfer process. True, humans think of wounds as big OW!s, but at the core of the experience of damage, either emotional or physical, the human is actually participating in an energy transfer. This is a very meaningful context in which to learn to harmonize with universe around the wounds and pain that are certain to be part of everyone's future.

Think of any wounding, say a cut with any sharp object, or blunt force trauma...absolutely any form of damage to your 'body' is in fact a disruption of the standing wave of energy that is really your 'body'. You, along with all humans and likely most of life, are pretty slow. Not stupid, just sensorially deprived. That is to say, your sensory inputs, video, audio, tactile, et cetera, are operating at very slow rates of energy transfer. Your mind perceives light in such a way that flashing images at 24 frames per second actually appear to be 'in motion' to your visual senses and your visual decoding part of your brain. Same with both sound and touch...both are operating at less than 100 'frames' a second. Reality is actually composed of energy patterns of vast complexity, some more self-aware than others, that are vibrating so fast as to 'trick themselves' into thinking that reality is solid. As waves of constrained vibrations, Life in matterium usually but not always is mostly unaware of its actual nature, and thinks itself to be 'solid matter'. That no matter is solid is not considered in Life's view of itself and it, more or less unhappily, ponders a universe filled with sharp objects and blunt edges all hurtling its way.

So Life watches the accident (wounding experience) unfold through its thigh barely a quarter of an inch from its knee, blood and muscle, sinews, and tendons first shredded by steel teeth as the rotating blade pumped flesh across the tops of the rhododendron bushes. Hmmmm....thought Life, that hurts like hell! And thus began the pain part of that wounding experience.

The thing that Life fails to appreciate at the time of most woundings, is that in reality it is not the removal of the flesh that is causing the pain, but rather it is the intake of energy, usually suddenly and without warning, that is at the actual root of the pain. Later, when the healing process is completed, and Life has recovered from the pain experience to at least its usual minimum operational level, Life can contemplate logically just what had occurred and come to certain conclusions not evident in the experience at the moment of the wounding.

Life can easily understand how the little bits of flesh and blood and bone flying through the air, obviously no longer attached to the body proper cannot be causing pain to the body as they are now absent. And to think that their absence itself is the cause of the pain would require that the empty space formerly occupied by flesh was sending signals through Life's nervous system. Or alternatively.....well, Life knowing itself to be a standing wave of energy also recognizes that the saw blade forcing itself through flesh is a direct form of energy disruption to the template of its body, both the greater energy body and the perceived, coagulated 'material' body. This means that the standing wave pattern that had been Life's body has become distorted by absorbing and transmitting the energy of the saw as it traveled through the same 'physical' space. This is exactly the same with all other 'accidents' as may befall human or other life in matterium. Any form of damage is an energy transfer into the standing wave template that is the body.

Another example that perhaps better illustrates the concept was learned by this body's inhabitant decades ago. Working for its 'living' at the time in the forest harvest industry (logger) here in the Pacific Northwest of continental USA, this body had encounter a seriously miserable winter day. Rain, sleet, snow, hail, freezing cold, and heavy dangerous work from pre-dawn to post-dusk had brought this body and its inhabitant to the end of an exhausting day as a tired, frozen, depleted shell of a human.

Once home, and while attempting to restore some of the calories (hint = energy transfer) to this body both internally and externally, the tired inhabitant let attention slip for a moment and the left foot of the body touched the nearly red hot metal of the wood stove used to heat the house.

A nearly instant, LARGE energy transfer occurred. Life in this body recognized it by the smell of burning foot meat.

Then the pain part of the experience began. Of course much screaming, cursing, and general thrashing about also began.

Then this body's inhabitant, thinking itself really brilliant, rushed out the front door, and shoved the offended foot into the nearest snow bank. Again, an energy transfer occurred....this one very much more pleasant than the last.

“Whew.” Thought this body's inhabitant only moments later, “ that was nasty, but ALL better now.”

Of course, this body's inhabitant was merely operating in doofus mode. After returning inside, and once again sealing the house up against the inclement weather, this body's inhabitant realized within mere seconds, that the pain part of this particular wounding aka energy transfer was far from over.

Once again a mad dash out into the freezing rain to plunge the foot into the snow. Not note that while the bottom of the foot of the body was fine with this, the rest of the body was protesting the freezing cold, and the continuing effort to remain vertical.

It was likely due to the exhausted state of the body's inhabitant that it took several hours of repeated episodes of pain, rush to snow bank for relief, but induce other body parts into pain before realization struck that this would continue as long as the 'excess' energy imparted by the burning process was still 'in' the energy of the body. That is, the body's inhabitant understood, albeit tiredly, that a restoration of the previous 'energy balance' was necessary before relaxation, and then ultimately, sleep, could occur. As there was no 'cat door' or other hole through the house to access the snow which was extracting the energy imparted by its opposite, heat, faster than could occur in the air of the warm house, and as the body was too bone weary to accept more cold just for the sake of a burn no matter how painful, the inhabitant informed the bottom of the foot of the body's collective decision, and reassured it that it, the inhabitant, would be going through the pain experience with it, and the standing wave of energy that is the body for this experience of Life, hobbled inside to flop, exhausted, on the floor.

Over the next hour of aspirin and pain, the energy balance was restored. It was then that the body's inhabitant understood that had it just taken that route earlier, that is, eaten the pain then, all at once in a single go, it could have been asleep hours earlier.

Time has proven this to have been a valuable experience in that it taught the lesson of 'eating all your pain' in a single go. If Life thinks about what experience of banging around in matterium provides, the lesson of 'pain delayed is pain magnified' becomes quite clear from everyone's personal experience.

Collectively, the maxim is also easily demonstrated factual at any level, and within any context in matterium.

It is our collective failure as humans that allows for all and any dictatorship to arise. This includes the current dictatorship of the corrupt. The collective failure to exercise mental energy in keeping watch on politicians, banksters, and other human scum has led us to the current state of affairs in which the minions of the entrenched (and hidden) powers fearing the populace of the planet, are contemplating yet another planetary war to try to mind-shift blame for collective pain to a myth of an 'enemy'. They, these minion scum, the same ones who 'bailed out' the banksters and themselves, are attempting to transfer energy. They are desperately trying to transfer all the transpersonal rage coming from the populace to anyone other than themselves or their masters.

The idea being flogged out now, is that 'IRAN' is the enemy. If this new war is not being bought, the minions will use every possible variant of the 'SODDI' (Some Other Dude Did It) defense that comes anywhere close to their twisted small minds.

The fundamental (religious deprecating pun intended) problem for the minions, and even more so for their masters, is that all woundings are energy transfers. As with all energy transfers in matterium basic maths apply. So we have a situation where 99 percent of the planet's humans have been wounded by 1 percent. Again, energy transfer math at work as they took a very very very very very very very long time to wound a very very very very very large amount of people so absolutely huge amounts of energy have been transferred. We, all the 99 percent of humans, are carrying around all this energy as the result of the 'slings and arrows of outrageous fortune' that turns out to be neither outrageous nor fortune, but rather the deliberate accumulated acts of a small cadre of people over a very long time indeed. All of our wounds, physical and emotional, are energies seeking balance.

As some of the 1 percent must realize, the redress of all that energy coming back onto a fractionally small portion of the populace will undoubtedly be a stamina and character testing experience. Thus their fears to accept their fate, and their desperate attempts to delay their personal experience of this pending energy transfer.

It also should be noted that the 99 percent have yet more pain coming, though not more wounding as that has already occurred. What has happened is that the collective, planetary financial and governance system understood as central bank globalism has wounded the populace to the extreme edge of its tolerance. The planetary populace is in the process of understanding that the only way past this wounding is to shed the dead flesh (planetary central banking system and its twin 'currencies' paper 'money' and war). Only then can the healing part of the wounding process be started.

As the rotting corpse of the planetary central banking (and warfare) system falls, it will induce pain not yet considered by the 99 percent as the totality of modern, paper-debt based civilization transforms over these next years. That neither the fall of the system, nor the personal experience of pain can be avoided needs to be grasped. That this pain will be collectively shared will bring some measure of support to each, as all know that the suffering is mutual.

At one level, this body's inhabitant wants to vent the accumulated decades of transpersonal rage onto the 1 percent, and further to do so in full measure for their crimes, both real, perceived, and unknown. At other levels as a practicing yogi (at the sutra 2 level), and aikidoka, as well as being a radiator of the compassion wavelengths, this body's inhabitant recognizes that personal expression of compassion will dominate its manifestation of transpersonal rage.'s 'cause they are human... mostly, these minions that is...

However, recognizing that energy transfer math applies, the equation comes down to this:
a whole planetary populace, full of rage, frustration, desperation, and pain has initiated an energy transfer onto a very small number of very guilty fuckers.

Most of these pissed off people are not as affected by compassion waves as this body thus will be quite happy to transfer all the energy received over their lives back onto the guilty fuckers. Since there are actual billions of pissed off people, the very guilty fuckers are going to be on the receiving end of one hell of an energy transfer.

As an old fart who has learned from the past decades of energy transfer coming from the very guilty fuckers, there are a few words of advice that this body's inhabitant has regarding wounding and pain. Noting that the very guilty fuckers are both few in number, and are individuals of personality types that are already uncomfortable with their personal expression of Life in matterium, and are therefore self isolating, self deluding, and have spent all their lives trying to avoid uncomfortable feelings, and sensations, this body's inhabitant is aware the advice proffered will not be understood. Or used... Oh well...we do what we can....

Advice to the very guilty fuckers:
  1. shared pain and suffering (as you well know when you put yours on us) drains away the energy from its source making it less damaging;
  1. it is best to eat your pain in a single meal.


A Low Impact Woodland Home

By Simon Dale

You are looking at pictures of a house I built for our family in Wales. It was built by myself and my father in law with help from passers by and visiting friends. 4 months after starting we were moved in and cosy. I estimate 1000-1500 man hours and £3000 put in to this point. Not really so much in house buying terms (roughly £60/sq m excluding labour).

The house was built with maximum regard for the environment and by reciprocation gives us a unique opportunity to live close to nature. Being your own (have a go) architect is a lot of fun and allows you to create and enjoy something which is part of yourself and the land rather than, at worst, a mass produced box designed for maximum profit and convenience of the construction industry. Building from natural materials does away with producers profits and the cocktail of carcinogenic poisons that fill most modern buildings.

Some key points of the design and construction:
  • Dug into hillside for low visual impact and shelter
  • Stone and mud from diggings used for retaining walls, foundations etc.
  • Frame of oak thinnings (spare wood) from surrounding woodland
  • Reciprocal roof rafters are structurally and aesthaetically fantastic and very easy to do
  • Straw bales in floor, walls and roof for super-insulation and easy building
  • Plastic sheet and mud/turf roof for low impact and ease
  • Lime plaster on walls is breathable and low energy to manufacture (compared to cement)
  • Reclaimed (scrap) wood for floors and fittings
  • Anything you could possibly want is in a rubbish pile somewhere (windows, burner, plumbing, wiring...)
  • Woodburner for heating - renewable and locally plentiful
  • Flue goes through big stone/plaster lump to retain and slowly release heat
  • Fridge is cooled by air coming underground through foundations
  • Skylight in roof lets in natural feeling light
  • Solar panels for lighting, music and computing
  • Water by gravity from nearby spring
  • Compost toilet
  • Roof water collects in pond for garden etc.

Main tools used: chainsaw, hammer and 1 inch chisel, little else really. Oh and by the way I am not a builder or carpenter, my experience is only having a go at one similar house 2yrs before and a bit of mucking around inbetween. This kind of building is accessible to anyone. My main relevant skills were being able bodied, having self belief and perseverence and a mate or two to give a lift now and again. 

This building is one part of a low-impact or permaculture approach to life. This sort of life is about living in harmony with both the natural world and ourselves, doing things simply and using appropriate levels of technology. These sort of low cost, natural buildings have a place not only in their own sustainability, but also in their potential to provide affordable housing which allows people access to land and the opportunity to lead more simple, sustainable lives. For example this house was made to house our family whilst we worked in the woodland surrounding the house doing ecological woodland management and setting up a forest garden, things that would have been impossible had we had to pay a regular rent or mortgage. To read more about why we did it and why this is an important option to meet the challenges of climate change and peak oil, click here.


FaceBook: The Complete Forensic Post-Mortem


While much has already been written on the topic of peak valuation, social bubbles popping, and the ethical social utility of yesterday's historically overhyped IPO, nobody has done an analysis of the actual stock trading dynamics as in-depth as the following complete forensic post-mortem by Nanex. Because more than anything, those tense 30 minutes between the scheduled open and the actual one (which just happened to coincide with the European close), showed just how reliant any form of public capital raising is on technology and electronic trading. And to think there was a time when an IPO simply allowed a company to raise cash: sadly it has devolved to the point where a public offering is a policy statement in support of a broken capital market, which however is fully in the hands of SkyNet, as yesterday's chain of events, so very humiliating for the Nasdaq, showed. From a delayed opening, to 2 hour trade confirmation delays, virtually everyone was in the dark about what was really happening behind the scenes! As the analysis below shows, what happened was at times sheer chaos, where everything was hanging by a thread, because if FB had gotten the BATS treatment, it was lights out for the stock market. Well, the D-Day was avoided for now, but at what cost? And how much over the greenshoe FaceBook stock overallotment did MS have to buy to prevent it from tumbling below $30 because as Reuters reminds us, "had Morgan Stanley bought all of the shares traded around $38 in the final 20 minutes of the day, it would have spent nearly $2 billion." What about the first defense of $38?  In other words: in order to make some $67 million for its Investment Banking unit, was MS forced to eat a several hundred million loss in its sales and trading division just to avoid looking like the world's worst underwriter ever? We won't know for a while, but in the meantime, here is a visual summary of the key events during yesterday's far less than historic IPO.

May 18 - The Facebook IPO
The first warning sign, was the delay in trading. Here's the status messages from Nasdaq for that day.

The first 4 charts are 5 second interval charts of Facebook showing the first hour and 15 minutes of quotes and trades.
Chart 1. NBBO (National Best Bid or Offer) Spread. Black: bid < ask (normal), Yellow: bid = ask (locked), Red: bid > ask (crossed)all bids and offers color coded by exchange.

Chart 2. Best bids and offers (NBBO) color coded by exchange.

Chart 3. All bids and offers color coded by exchange.

Chart 4. All trades color coded by exchange.

The next 4 images are tick charts showing quotes and trades. How to read these charts
Chart 5. The first seconds of trading.

Chart 6. The first seconds of trading, continued.

Chart 7. Suddenly, a vacuum appears and produces a record 12,285 trades in 1 second.

Chart 8. Same as above, showing just Nasdaq.

The next 2 charts (10 second interval) show how Nasdaq's quote stopped, but trades from Nasdaq did not (direct feeds must have been fine, but not the consolidated).
Chart 9. Nasdaq Bids and Offers along with NBBO.

Chart 10. Nasdaq Trades

The next 2 charts (20 millisecond interval) show the effect when Nasdaq's quote returned. There were two significant gaps in quotes (for all exchanges) and 1 significant gap in trades.
Note how the gap in trades is not at the same time as the gaps in quotes.
Chart 11. All bids and offers color coded by exchange.

Chart 12. All trades color coded by exchange.

The next chart (5 millisecond interval) shows the result of the blast in trades and quotes when Nasdaq's quote returned. Trades printed at least 900 milliseconds before quotes, an impossibility if orders are being routed according to regulations. We have jokingly referred to this anomaly as fantaseconds.
Chart 13. Nasdaq bids and offers (triangles), Nasdaq trades (circles) and NBBO (gray/yellow/red shading).

The next 2 charts (500 millisecond interval) detail the HFT Tractor Beam area where coincidentally or not, Nasdaq quotes began "sputtering" right before stopping for about 2 hours.
Chart 14. NBBO Spread and quote rate from all exchanges.
Note the flat lines at the bottom. Also note how the quote rate (lower panel) surges when prices rise above the flat line, which is what we would expect. However, on Nasdaq (next chart)..

Chart 15. NBBO Spread and quote rate from just Nasdaq.
When prices rise above the flat line, quotes from Nasdaq stop, exactly opposite of expected behavior and what we see from other exchanges at that time (see chart above).

And finally, Nanex on the fallout:
During the FaceBook's failed IPO opening period (11 - 11:30)  and shortly after the trading began, bad prices (spikes) began appearing in other stocks, including symbols APPL, INTU, NFLX, PDCO, QCOM, QLD, UST and ZNGA. They also occurred in Facebook during the first 15 minutes of trading (see Chart 4 on this page). There are likely other stocks that were affected. In nearly all of these cases the price spikes were executing against quotes that were far outside the NBBO. Most of these executions occurred on the CBOE, and a few on Chicago and AMEX. Fortunately, by chance, the prices were not wide enough to trigger circuit breakers in these stocks.
We think these bad price executions are related to whatever issues Nasdaq was having in facebook and probably are from errors in routing software. A similar thing happened during BATS failed IPO in AAPL and other stocks.
Chart 1. AAPL

Chart 2. NFLX

Chart 3. QCOM

Chart 4. QLD

Chart 5. UST

Israel's Nuclear, Biological And Chemical Weapons

By Stephen Lendman

Israel's long known open secret is its formidable nuclear arsenal. Less is known about its chemical and biological weapons (CBW) capability. More on that below.

In 1986, Dimona nuclear technician Mordechai Vanunu revealed documents showing what many long suspected. Israel had been secretly developing, producing and stockpiling nuclear weapons for years.

Experts called his information genuine. They revealed sophisticated technology able to amass a formidable nuclear arsenal. Today it's more potent than ever.

In his 1991 book titled "The Samson Option: Israel's Nuclear Arsenal and America Foreign Policy," Seymour Hersh discussed its strategy to launch massive nuclear counterattacks in response to serious enough threats.

In his 1997 book titled "Open Secrets: Israeli Nuclear and Foreign Policies," Israel Shahak said Israel won't hesitate using nuclear or other weapons to advance its "hegemony over the entire Middle East."

In 2006, former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert told Germany's Sat. 1 channel:

"Iran, openly, explicitly and publicly, threatens to wipe Israel off the map. Can you say that this is the same level, when they are aspiring to have nuclear weapons, as America, France, Israel and Russia?"

Later he denied what viewers clearly heard him say. Calls for him to step down followed. So did accusations of ineptitude for acknowledging Israeli nuclear weapons publicly.

Israel always stuck to its nuclear ambiguity position. Olmert later backtracked. Damage control didn't assuage criticism. Opposition party members called him irresponsible.

Meretz party member Yossi Beilin said:

"The prime minister's amazing statement regarding nuclear capability indicates a lack of caution bordering on irresponsibility."

Olmert's approval rating plunged. Aides tried frantically to limit damage. His spokesman, Miri Eisin, said his comments didn't mean Israel had or wants nuclear weapons.

Of course, the cat was out of the bag after Mordechai Vanunu revealed it 20 years earlier.  Damage control made things worse. Vanunu welcomed Olmert's admission, accidental or otherwise. He hoped he said it intentionally, saying:

"For 20 years, they tried to deny me and my story, but the policy of cheating and lying didn't succeed."

Changes are taking place, he added. He hoped his situation would improve. It didn't. He still chafes under repressive Israeli policies. Practically under house arrest, he's harassed. His fundamental rights are denied. He wants his citizenship revoked and permission to leave, but Israel won't grant either right.

He's a legend in his own time. He only wants to live free. After what Israel put him through for decades, he deserves that much and more.

Israel refuses to discuss its nuclear capability.  Others are less reticent. On May 4, Haaretz headlined "Israel's atomic arsenal could fall victim to a new US nuclear policy," saying:

Visiting Hiroshima last February, escorts "drew (Israeli Defense Secretary Ehud Barak's) attention to a map of the world listing the number of nuclear warheads in the possession of the atomic powers. There is a number next to Israel's name, too: '80.' Barak did not respond."

Most experts believe Israel has hundreds of warheads and sophisticated long-range delivery systems.

"According to a (late 1990s) secret document of the Pentagon's Defense Intelligence Agency....leaked during the period of the George W. Bush administration, Israel had '60 to 80' nuclear warheads in 1999."

The Pentagon updates its data regularly. It keeps close watch on all nuclear powers and suspected ones like North Korea.

Israel never signed the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT). In 1969, Nixon and Prime Minister Golda Meir mutually agreed that Israel's nuclear capability wouldn't harm relations. In 1998, so did Clinton and Netanyahu. In 2009, Obama continued past policy.

Expect change eventually. Israel's belligerency over Iran's peaceful nuclear program may "boomerang" on its military one.

Israel's Chemical and Biological Weapons (CBW)

Israel signed the 1993 Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), but didn't ratify it. It never signed the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention (BWC). Its policy is CBW ambiguity.

In 1993, the US Congress Office of Technology Assessment WMD proliferation assessment included Israel as a nation having undeclared offensive chemical warfare capabilities. In 1998, former Deputy Assistant Defense Secretary Bill Richardson said:

"I have no doubt that Israel has worked on both chemical and biological offensive things for a long time. There's no doubt they've had stuff for years."

Israel tests new weapons in combat. Against Lebanon in 2006 and Gaza during Cast Lead, it used direct energy weapons, chemical and/or biological agents, and others producing injuries and symptoms medical professionals never previously saw.

For example, bodies with dead tissue had no apparent wounds. Corpses were found shrunken. Civilians had heavy lower limb damage requiring amputations. Nonetheless, unstoppable necrosis followed (death of cells and living tissue) followed by death.

Internal wounds had no trace of shrapnel. Corpses were blackened but not burned. Some badly wounded victims didn’t bleed. The Palestinian health ministry said Israel used a new type explosive in Gaza. It contained toxins and radioactive materials. They burned and tore victims’ bodies from the inside. They also left long term deformations.

A Palestinian doctor accused Israel of using chemical ammunition that burns and injures soft tissue, but can’t be traced by X-rays. Severe internal wounds were reported. Unknown gases believed to be nerve agents were used. Those affected lost consciousness for about 24 hours. They experienced high fevers and muscle rigidity. Some needed urgent blood transfusions.

In Gaza, white phosphorous was used. It burns flesh to the bone. Depleted uranium spread radioactive contamination. Close-range explosives caused severe injuries, requiring amputations. Children had legs cut off, abdomens sliced open, or died because nothing could save them.

In June 2011, CounterPunch contributor Saleh El-Naami headlined "Exposing Israel's Most Dangerous Secret," saying:

Only authorized personnel have access to the Israeli Institute for Biological Research (IIBR). Israel calls it "a governmental, applied research institute specializing in the fields of biology, medicinal chemistry and environmental sciences."

Others reveal IIBR is "where Israel develops its biological and chemical weapons and prepares for any eventuality of biological or chemical warfare." Its facility  is Israel's "most top-secret military installation...."

Official censorship prohibits anything discussed about it. One exception only occurred after long-term employee Avisha Klein sued "for harassment and emotional abuse."

She was part of a team developing mustard gas protective ointment. During proceedings, more information came out.

IIBR has hundreds of scientists and technicians. Its many departments specialize in chemical and biological weapons research, development and production. One is a poison used for assassinations.

In 1977, Prime Minister Menachem Begin ordered Mossad to eliminate Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine leader Wadie Haddad. He was fond of Belgian chocolates. Mossad coated some with "a slow-acting poison, and had them delivered to Haddad...."

The substance had "undetectable properties." Haddad's health deteriorated. Flown to East Germany for treatment, he was diagnosed with leukemia and died on March 29, 1978. Thirty-two years later, the truth came out. IIBR's poison killed him.

Other assassinations were conducted the same way. IIBR specializes in toxic substances and protective vaccines. Anthrax research got attention. Israel feared enemies might use it.

IIBR works closely with Israeli military and intelligence operations. They list priorities. IIBR works on them.

"For example, information that has come to light during the coverage of Klein’s suit reveals that many years ago the Israeli military establishment was concerned that Arab states might use such chemical agents as mustard gas in an potential assault against Israel and, therefore, instructed the institute to develop a chemical substance to minimise the effects of the gas."

Israeli soldiers were used to test vaccines. Some experienced "permanent physical damage." Lawsuits for damages were filed. Victims want recognition as disabled veterans and appropriate compensation. Pressure got IDF officials to announce experiments on Israeli personnel would end.

The Nuremberg Code prohibits medical experiments without human subjects voluntarily consenting. Recruitment must exclude "coercion, fraud, deceit, and (provide) full disclosure of known risks."

Experiments are prohibited "where there is an a priori reason to believe that death or disabling injury will occur." Those permitted must be expected "to yield fruitful results for the good of society, unprocurable by other methods or means of study...."

In 1948, Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion ordered European Jewish scientists recruited who could "either increase the capacity to kill masses or to cure masses; both are important."

Avraham Marcus Klingberg became a chemical and biological weapons (CBW) expert and IIBR deputy director.

Avraham Marcus Klingberg was also recruited. He became the father of Israel's nuclear weapons program in charge of the Israeli Atomic Energy Commission (IAEC). Ben-Gurion was determined to have a nuclear option and other non-conventional weapons to counter numerical Arab advantage.

In his farewell address to the Israeli Armaments Development Authority (RAFAEL), he defended the strategy saying:

"I am confident, based not only on what I heard today, that our science can provide us with the weapons that are needed to deter our enemies from waging war against us."

He and Shimon Peres became leading forces behind Israel's nuclear, biological, and chemicals development program. Strict secrecy was maintained. Staff were forbidden to discuss anything related to their work. Prohibitions remain strict.

Truths eventually leak out. One day much more will be known. Vanunu was harshly punished to deter other whistleblowers. Bradley Manning faces similar treatment. In his case, life in prison may result.

Nonetheless, some who know tell others. Suppressing vital truths everyone needs to know remains hard to do forever. Much is known about Israel's nuclear program. Perhaps CBW disclosures will expose secrets too important to hide.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at

His new book is titled "How Wall Street Fleeces America: Privatized Banking, Government Collusion and Class War"

Visit his blog site at and listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network Thursdays at 10AM US Central time and Saturdays and Sundays at noon. All programs are archived for easy listening.


Thursday, 17 May 2012

‘Vulture funds’ circle as Greece fears grow

Stephen Foley & Natalie Savaricos – The Independent May 17, 2012

An American tax exile living in the Cayman Islands has emerged as a winner from the chaos engulfing Greece, even as the political and economic turmoil in the beleaguered nation deepened yesterday, with Athens putting a senior judge in charge of an emergency government to lead it to fresh elections.

Kenneth Dart, the Michigan-born heir to a disposable cups fortune, was handed an estimated €400m (£320m) cheque from Greece this week, after successfully calling the country’s bluff and refusing to take part in the restructuring of government debt that saved Greece from default in the spring.

Amid alarming reports of depositors withdrawing their cash from Greek banks, the government decided it could ill afford a showdown with Mr Dart’s hedge fund, Dart Management, and similar “vulture funds” who have purchased Greek debt and are threatening to sue if the interest payments are not made. Concerns over the state of the nation’s banks have mounted as the odds of a disorderly Greek exit from the eurozone have shortened in recent days, and keeping the financial system sound will be the No 1 priority of Panagiotis Pikramenos, named caretaker Prime Minister after the collapse of coalition talks on Tuesday.

He is charged with steering Greece to new elections on 17 June without incident, although concerns over the risk of financial panic have risen since European political leaders began to speculate that Greece could leave the euro. Moreover, recent opinion polls suggest that anti-bailout parties – in particular the Syriza party led by Alexis Tsipras – could return with a bigger slice of the vote after the June elections.

This already complex picture is further complicated by the role of the vulture funds. Dart Management holds a significant portion of the roughly 5 per cent of Greek debt that was not subject to renegotiation under the terms of its bailout deal, and took a reported 90 per cent of the €436m paid by the Greek government to bondholders on Tuesday. While Mr Dart is still a board member of the family company, Dart Containers, which is America’s largest producer of plastic cups, he has not lived in the country since 1994.

After decamping from the US on his 220ft yacht, he settled in the Cayman Islands, where he is a powerful real estate developer. Dart Management, along with another vulture fund Elliott Associates, is likely to have picked up Greek debt at a fraction of its value in the hope of being able to force the country into paying some or all of what it owes. The two firms are still suing Argentina in the US courts to demand full payment of bonds on which that government defaulted in 2002. Mr Dart first came to international attention in this sphere by pocketing an estimated $600m from putting pressure on the Brazilian government after its default in 1993.

Yesterday, the company refused to comment on what it called market rumours. The Greek government, meanwhile, said Tuesday’s payments did not set a precedent that meant it would divert any more of its precious bailout cash to the vulture funds in future.

The threat of a legal battle that could tie up funds earmarked for Greece from European bailout coffers adds another concern to that stoked by news that more than €1bn has been withdrawn from Greek banks in two days by savers fearing financial chaos if the country returns to the drachma.
These worrying figures were not reflected in the streets of Athens, however. On Syntagma Square, no long queues had formed at cash machines.

“We can’t all start panicking and running to the bank. The country will collapse if we do that, “said Marika Tilanogiannis, a mechanical engineer. “What little I have left, I leave for Greece.”

Marika’s brother didn’t share her optimism – Giorgos had moved his savings to a bank abroad. But Marika’s reasoning was echoed by experts who cautioned that politicians’ pessimistic statements about the country’s finances risked turning into a self-fulfilling prophecy.

“This entire situation has got my family extraordinarily worried about our savings, in case we return to the drachma,” said Yannis Paleologos, a 40-year-old pharmacist. “We have a considerable amount of money and we’re scared to lose it.” Mr Paleologos was about to go to a bank to discuss how to preserve his deposits in case of an exit from the single currency union.


Truth is inconvenient

"You have to be willing to accept whatever the truth is. Most people don’t want to do that. It interferes with their pursuit of what they are after, so they lie to themselves. It’s no surprise, following that, when the oppressors of humanity deliver their own lies and they get swallowed whole because, once you’ve lied to yourself, the rest is easy and also a fait accompli. Truth is inconvenient." - Les Visible
Read the whole article here at Smoking Mirrors

Sunday, 13 May 2012

Truthers, Rejoice! CIA Leaks After Hitting The Iceberg of Truth

Comment: This is a well written essay that asks some important questions. When Les visible talks about the Ineffable turning up in the middle of the miscreants and causing inexplicable outcomes, we should note the strange tale documented here by

The Polar Bears Are Fine. But Are Intelligence Agencies Going Extinct As Glaciers of Lies Melt and Icebergs of Truth Surface To Global Collective Consciousness? 
"From underwear bombers to Libya’s globetrotting death squads, it turns out that the US government itself is driving this omnipresent global threat and constitutes the premier state-sponsor of terrorism. From the very creation of Al Qaeda in the mountains of Afghanistan, to Al Qaeda death squads bombing targets across Syria today, the US is machinating behind the scenes to perpetuate its foreign policy through a false strategy of tension where the villains and “heroes” are of their own creation. It is only through apathy and ignorance that they succeed in foisting this narrative upon the public, as well as our daily patronage of the corporate-financier interests devising and driving this agenda." - Tony Cartalucci, "Latest Al Qaeda Boogeyman is CIA Agent."
On April 28, 2012, The New York Times published a "truther" article with the headline, "Terrorist Plots, Hatched by the F.B.I." I couldn't believe my eyes. Is this the same New York Times that said Iraq was connected to Al-Qaeda and that the moon is made out of cheese?

When did conspiracy theorists start taking over the minds of the editors of the New York Times?

What is going on?

Is New York Times trutherism a mere ploy to stay relevant as the global alternative media gains greater credibility?

And why is the CIA allowing the NY Times and Washington Post to say that the CIA and FBI are deceiving the public about terrorism on an epic scale? Why is the CIA saying that an Al-Qaeda bomber is a CIA double agent? Why do they want to associate Al-Qaeda with the CIA so openly and unashamedly? Do they want people in denial to take the blinders off and see the truth that the War on Terror is a big scam? Are CIA officials closet conspiracy theorists? Are major media writers secret truthers?

I thought CIA plastic surgeons would give Al-Qaeda a facelift after the demise of head double agent Osama Bin Laden, not turn it into a joke by saying it uncovered an Al-Qaeda underwear plot against American flight passengers.

Is the CIA trying to leak the truth that Al-Qaeda is its creation and its play toy to the American people and the world? What kind of game are they really playing? Why is the voice of media power speaking truth all of a sudden?

Is the CIA and other intelligence agencies going extinct as glaciers of lies melt and icebergs of truth surface to global collective consciousness?

Do the National Security and Counter-Terrorism fraudsters in America, England, and Israel understand that the game is up? Are they hanging up their uniforms and leaving the field of fraud on their own terms? Do they know they are drowning in a sea of truth and public fury?

The tricksters at the CIA and FBI must realize that there are only two ways out of the giant mess they have made: internal reform, or external revolution. The population extermination agenda has been exposed, and it won't work. The National Security State cannot escape history and suppress the record of its crimes and injustices against America and humanity.

The bad guys can attempt to sell political re-education camps, massive concentration camps, political detention centers, mass killings, martial law, world war three, etc. - but they will fail. They won't be successful in shoving tyranny down the American people's throats. Their game of fraud and treason is over.

Truthers and conspiracy theorists are clearly winning in the Infowar. Even the mainstream media machine now admits that the CIA and Al-Qaeda are basically one. The FBI and CIA have been exposed as terrorism factories, not security agencies.

What's next? Will the New York Times and Washington Post touch 9/11 truth? Will CNN and Fox News start paying allegiance to Ron Paul and the American flag instead of Barack Obama and an authoritarian global government? Will they treat the American people and the people of the word as humans instead of as animals? Maybe that's pushing it, but maybe there is some humanity in the corporate/state media in America and the West. Maybe these people are not totally evil. And maybe the public is not totally gullible.

The Excavator; A Night Watchman On Guard Against The Vultures of State Terror And Psywar 

Homeland Security Wants Mozilla to Pull “Domain Seizure” Add-On

(TORRENT FREAK)   Homeland Security’s ICE unit is not happy with a Firefox add-on that allows the public to circumvent the domains seizures carried out during the past several months. In an attempt to correct this ‘vulnerability’ in their anti-piracy strategy, ICE have asked Mozilla to pull the add-on from their site. Unfortunately for them Mozilla denied the request, arguing that this type of censorship may threaten the open Internet.

Last month we were the first to draw attention to a nifty Firefox add-on called “MAFIAA Fire.”

The add-on maintains a list of all the domains that ICE (hence the antidote, ‘fire’) has seized and redirects their users to an alternative domain if the sites in question have set one up. The developers told TorrentFreak that they coded it to demonstrate the futility of the domain seizures, which they find objectionable.

Homeland Security’s ICE unit got wind of the add-on and almost immediately took action to have it taken offline. Although the add-on can be hosted anywhere, they asked Mozilla to remove it from their repository just a few days after it first appeared there.

“Recently the US Department of Homeland Security contacted Mozilla and requested that we remove the Mafiaa Fire add-on,” explained Mozilla General Counsel and Vice President of Business Affairs Harvey Anderson. “The ICE Homeland Security Investigations unit alleged that the add-on circumvented a seizure order DHS had obtained against a number of domain names.”

However, where ICE might have expected a swift take down from Mozilla, the legal and business affairs department of the tech company was not planning to honor the request so easily.
“Our approach is to comply with valid court orders, warrants, and legal mandates, but in this case there was no such court order,” Anderson explains.

According to Anderson complying with the request without any additional information would threaten open Internet principles. So, instead of taking the add-on offline they replied to ICE with a set of 11 well-crafted questions.

Interestingly enough, Mozilla never heard from ICE again.

We can only guess how often U.S. authorities try similar mild censorship requests, but if we look at all the companies and services that kicked out Wikileaks last year we have to assume that it’s not the first time. Only a few dare to stand up to such requests, which is a worrying situation.

“One of the fundamental issues here is under what conditions do intermediaries accede to government requests that have a censorship effect and which may threaten the open Internet,” says Anderson. “Longterm, the challenge is to find better mechanisms that provide both real due process and transparency without infringing upon developer and user freedoms traditionally associated with the Internet,” he adds.

TorrentFreak got in touch with one of the MAFIAA Fire developers, who told us that ICE never contacted them with a takedown request. And although the add-on would still be available on their own website if Mozilla pulled it, he was happy that they chose to put up a fight.

“Hats off to Mozilla for sticking up to them, at first we weren’t sure if Mozilla would even host it due to its controversial nature, but they truly backed up their open source supporting words with actions,” the developer told us.

Indeed, Mozilla deserves to be applauded here for judging ICE’s request by its content, and not by the envelope in which it was sent.

Meanwhile, the MAFIAA Fire team has published a Chrome version of the add-on today. Both add-ons are Open Source and available on the official website, which also has a mirror here to ensure continuity.
Looks like ICE’s request to Mozilla just backFIREd…


Friday, 11 May 2012

Open your hearts and minds to the great future that awaits you

Comment: I know next to nothing about Channeling so I cannot vouch for the claims in the article below however it struck me that the advice given is useful and offers an optimistic view of the world and its inhabitants. Sometimes, we just need to think positively, especially these days with so much evil afoot. I enjoyed this article and I hope you do too. BTW, I came across this on Reflections in a Petri Dish by Les Visible posted by

SaLuSa  9-January-2012

The energies around the world continue to build up, and are carried by the grid that is lifting up the Earth. All is preparing for the final thrust of energy, that will propel it into the new level of expression and out of duality. It will also fulfill the promises of a new Age that will be unlike anything you have experienced previously. and truly bring about a heaven upon Earth. Only those of you who have lifted your vibrations sufficiently, will be able to join those energies. Thereby lies the outworking of a truth, that only those of the Light can exist in the new dimension. The choice has always been yours, but with it comes the responsibility to carve out your own pathway to Ascension. You can have all of the help and encouragement in the world, but only you can take the necessary steps that will bring it about for you.

It matters little whether you ascend or not, inasmuch that all souls will continue to make progress. All happens in its own good time, and you have no need to feel pressurized to do other than what you personally desire. You have an infinite amount of time to make your way back through the higher dimensions, and at all times help will always be there for the asking. In fact your Higher Self is always with you, although when you drop your vibrations it cannot always penetrate them to reach you. However, once you have the intent to rise up the link becomes stronger and more open. You can work together if you follow your intuitive promptings, and they will keep you firmly on the path of Light.

Once you start leading your life with the intent to ascend, your experiences will follow a new path that will enable you to enjoy them and bring peace into it. Your ties to the lower energies will dissolve, and you can break your lifetime  habits by denying them the energy to survive. You are changing to a higher level of consciousness, and will take a quantum leap forward with the advent of Ascension. Life will continue as a series of steps upwards as you expand your consciousness even further, never again to experience the feelings of separation from the Source. You will become One with All That Is and a co-creator with God.

For the moment however, we all wait for developments upon Earth, to follow the progress towards changes that will take away the ability of the dark Ones to impose their ways upon you. The interim period will be quite chaotic until our allies have established their own control, and the different countries implement the changes that will clearly indicate their willingness to become part of the New Age. General agreement has already been agreed as it is seen that the world cannot survive, unless the Illuminati are removed. We are the Overseers and will accurately monitor the response to ensure that promises are kept. All dealings are to be above board from now on, and with total honesty as a new way of working is accepted. Any deception will be easily found, and their will no place for anything other than total compliance. The intent is that all changes are for the betterment of Humanity as a whole, and not some powerful countries as before.

On a day to day basis we make adjustments as considered necessary, and are thus ready at a minutes notice to go into action. Our craft are positioned over many official establishments and will remain there fully cloaked in invisibility. That way we can make sure that we are aware of what is being planned by the dark Ones, and can pre-empt any attempt to interfere with our plans. Freewill operates on Earth, but there is a limit as to how far it can go. Your freewill has to be honored, plus the fact that the changes are decreed by authorities much higher than any upon Earth. Not just the Solar System but the Universe awaits the outcome of events that are taking place upon it. Together we are all going to act as One when Ascension occurs at the end of this year, a monumental event that even other Universes follow with keen interest.

As you will know by now life is everywhere around you, and you lack knowledge of it because the Earth has been in quarantine for eons of time, and contact with you very restricted. Also, you have been deliberately misled to believe you were the only life form of your kind within your Universe. Where evidence of our long past contact is still to be found, it has largely been ignored because it does not fit in with your accepted views. For example many artifacts that have been uncovered, have been deliberately hidden away from your eyes to keep you in ignorance of our existence. Accounts of our visits to Earth have similarly been ignored, but that will all come out as the truth is made known to you.

Open your hearts and minds to the great future that awaits you, that will see you become Galactic Beings travelling not just your own Universe, but others where different forms of life to your own exist. You will hardly wish stay on your own home planet, but become more used to life on the massive Motherships that are self sufficient having everything that you are likely to need. Your presence would not be so much as one doing a job of work, but using your own expertise and skills for the good of the team you are with. Life is harmonious and rewarding, and we would say there is never a dull moment and it is certainly not boring.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and always pleased to help advance your understanding about your life on Earth. It is known by some on it, as a prison planet and that is exactly what it is. You have been imprisoned upon it for thousands of years, and the truth of your true selves has been hidden from you. You have been led to believe that you are much less than you really are, and used to serve the interests of those who have controlled the Earth for millennia of time. Now you are rapidly waking up to the truth and quite rightly claiming back your sovereignty, and it will be returned to you. As an experience it will have served you well, as it has been the quickest path to spiritual evolution and understanding. Remember that whatever impressions you have right now, you did enter duality with your eyes open. You accepted the challenge and knew that you would safely come out of it, and now that time has arrived your lives will become full of Love and Light.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.